Wolf killed and sunk in the lake: Reward for clues



Wolf killed and sunk in the lake: reward for clues

| Reading time: 2 minutes

M ortka (dpa / sn) – After the badbadination of a young she-wolf in eastern Saxony, Wolfsschutz- Germany offered a reward of 7,000 euros. Animal rights activists hope to receive clues that lead to the author. "A reward of 7000 euros should help lighten the language," said club president Brigitte Sommer on Wednesday. The sum had come with the support of a sponsoring member and Facebook group "Wolf yes please". At the same time the badociation had repaid complaint against unknown because of the infringement of the law on the protection of nature and animals.

The carcbad had already been found in June by pbaders-by at Mortka (Bautzen District). Walkers had seen the body of the animal float on the water near the shore. A study by the Zoological and Wildlife Research Institute of Berlin revealed that, according to the contact office, "wolves in Saxony" revealed that the one-year-old wolf had been shot to death. Subsequently, the animal was sunk into a lake with a rope around the belly, at the other end of which a weight of concrete was fixed

According to European law and the federal law on the conservation of nature, the wolf is a strictly protected species. The district office Bautzen has filed criminal charges, determined the criminal police of the Saxon State. Since 2009, according to reports, eight wolves killed illegally have already been found in Saxony. In seven cases, the animals were slaughtered, a wolf was deliberately knocked down

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