Woman almost lost leg after pedicure – doctors warn against treatment


Tracy Lynn Martinez

A woman went to a foot treatment – with fatal consequences.

  • A 35-year-old American woman suffers from a serious infection as a result of a pedicure.
  • After two days, she is hospitalized, almost losing her leg.

Tracy Lynn Martinez, from North Carolina, is May 22 She went to a beauty salon to get treatment in pedicures in June

Two days later, she was hospitalized because she could not walk

The doctors found that Martinez was unable to pbad through such insalubrity contracted a serious infection, that she even lost her life and that she nearly failed lose the leg. This was reported by the British tabloid Daily Mail.

The doctors made the diagnosis: cellulitis

Only one day after the treatment of the foot, the 35-year-old felt uncomfortable. She had become dizzy, she had suffered from chills and was vomiting. But first, she badumed that she had a simple cold.

Until his leg swells to a triple size – and Martinez focused on the emergency call.

At the hospital, the doctors quickly realized what the American had: They found him suffering from a particularly severe cellulite.

It is an inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, triggered by bacteria.

Guilt in the case of Martinez was a corneal plane apparently poorly disinfected reports the Daily Mail. [1965] The woman must take medication for three months

The Leg of 35-year-olds ignited so hard the first days that she could no longer walk. On his right leg grew a huge bubble. The infection was so severe that Martinez's leg had to be amputated without taking antibiotics.

The bacterial infection had already spread to his bloodstream. In such cases, it could lead to blood poisoning and death of the skin, said the doctors of the newspaper.

But Martinez was lucky in the accident: After two weeks of hospitalization, the woman was released. However, she also had to take pills and wear compression stockings for three months at home.

With her story, she now wants to warn other people against such treatments.

"I wanted to share my story with everyone so maybe I can save someone from what I'm going through right now, or even before death," the woman wrote on Facebook.

In most cosmetic salons, not only planes are used to remove the cornea, but scrapers, which are supposed to cut the cornea.

"I went through hell, but I want to attract attention, say no to corneal scrapers!", Pleaded Martinez on Facebook

Doctors also warn against the treatments of feet with corneal scrapers

In the US state of North Carolina, corneal scrapers are even banned according to the Daily Mail Daniel Aires, chief of dermatology at the University of Kansas, warns any treatment with the instruments.

"It's fine if the beautician paints the nails or does a mbadage. However, one must be careful when sharp objects are used by someone who is not a doctor "he told the newspaper.

is a kind of knife and procedure

The doctor recommends: "If you want to remove your cornea, you should never cut or scratch it. The ranking is always better. There are also creams that are also suitable for the removal of the cornea. "

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