Woman arrested by an alleged Islamist after Rizinfund | TIME ONLINE


In Cologne, investigators arrested the wife of an already imprisoned Tunisian who could have predicted a highly toxic ricin attack. As announced by the federal prosecutor's office, this 42-year-old woman is believed to have helped her husband prepare a violent violence against the state. Still in the production of biological weapons, the German should have been involved.

In June, the 29-year-old suspect was arrested in a residential building in Cologne. He had produced according to the federal prosecutor 84.3 milligrams of castor, also he had been in possession of castor seeds, which also called Wunderbaum. He is the subject of an investigation for producing biological weapons because of the urgent suspicion. In addition, there is a hint of the preparation of serious state violence in the room.

The couple reportedly had contact with the terrorist militia "Islamic State" in the past. The imprisoned wife had booked several flights to Turkey for her husband, but another trip to Syria had failed several times. However, an exchange should have taken place via social networks. According to prosecutors' findings, ISIS members in Syria have proposed to the man, in Germany, an attack

In April of this year, when the suspect began to procure the equipment and substances needed to extract the very poisonous Rizin, his wife helped him do it. To test the effectiveness of the Rizins, the couple should have bought a hamster.

About the capture of the woman had first reported Spiegel Online . According to the mother of six times earlier
Have sought a contact with Islamists. Her future husband is about to
Met Facebook and met in 2015 for the first time. In Karlsruhe, the suspect is now presented to a judge of the Federal Supreme Court, who decides whether
Preventive arrest happens.

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