Woman survives seven days after an accident in a car wreck


  USA: A woman survives in a car wreck seven days after an accident. Angela Hernandez advised rescuers: A woman survived the fall of a cliff only because she could use the water from a radiator hose. (Source: AP / DPA / Uncredited / Monterey County, California, Sheriff's Office)

Rescuers Ransacked Angela Hernandez: A Woman Survived a Cliff Fall Just Because She Could Use a Radiator Hose to provide water. (Source: Uncredited / Monterey County, California, Sheriff's Office / AP / DPA)

An American crashed her car from a cliff. For a week, the accident went unnoticed, and then the walkers discovered the wreck – with the driver alive.

Angela Hernandez survived a cliff fall on the California coast for seven days in the wreckage of her SUV. Two marchers discovered the 23-year-old Portland area Friday at over 60-feet deep on the Big Sur coast and alerted rescue teams, as reported by Monterey County police on social networks

She was taken to hospital with injuries. The young woman survived because she could drink water from a nearby creek with the radiator hose of her car, US media said this weekend, citing authorities.

The 23-year-old has been missing since 6 July. According to the police, she drove her car from Portland, Oregon, to Lancaster, California, to visit relatives – and took Route 1 along the Pacific Ocean. Because her family did not hear from her, she contacted the police. A thick fog first made searching for the missing more difficult.

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