World Day of Hepatitis: Klepsch warns against vaccination


Dresden (dpa / sn) – The Saxony Health Minister Barbara Klepsch (CDU) has called for protection against hepatitis. A vaccination against hepatitis A and B was an effective precaution, she said Friday in Dresden on the occasion of the World Day of Hepatitis. According to the Robert Koch Institute, 32 people in Saxony suffered from hepatitis A, 278 from hepatitis B and 197 from hepatitis C last year. 335 and 228. These infectious diseases put a lot of pressure on the body, so everyone should protect themselves at best, said the minister. Against hepatitis A and B, there is still no vaccination against hepatitis C.

During the 2016/2017 school year, 71.7% of Sixth grade students from Saxony were vaccinated against hepatitis A during the 2012/2013 school year that was 56.2%. In hepatitis B, however, vaccinations have been reduced. During the 2016/17 school year, 93.7% of the above-mentioned adolescents were protected against this hepatitis and 94.5% in 2012/2013.

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