Getting hit with nerves in today’s Apex Legends patch


Respawn Entertainment posted a Apex Legends balance patch today that dampens Seer’s abilities.

All of Seer’s kit has been adjusted in the patch. The changes begin with his passive, Heart Seeker. The wait time between sensor peaks for full HP targets has been increased from 1.25 seconds to 1.75 seconds. The ability’s field of view has been reduced, as has its range beyond 75m, which matches the blue spikes around its reticle. All of this means that Seer can’t see enemies as far as he used to be with Heart Seeker, the passive’s accuracy is lower, and he doesn’t have as much advantage against enemies in full health.

The most urgent changes concern Seer’s tactics, Focus of Attention. The detonation delay has been increased from 1.4 seconds to 1.6 seconds, meaning enemies have a little longer to exit the cone. Attention focus no longer includes flash and does no more damage, and screen shake resulting from a hit has been reduced. As Seer channels tactics, he now moves more slowly. Finally, the audio volume of the capacity has been reduced.

Seer’s ultimate, Exhibit, has also been tweaked, but not as much as Heart Seeker and Focus of Attention. Exposure cooldown has been increased from 90 seconds to 120 seconds, and its audio volume has been lowered, similar to that of Focus of Attention.

In addition to Seer’s changes, Respawn also fixed a variety of bugs, including the notorious Explosive Sockets bug where attempting to open a socket with a grenade would crash the entire server. Respawn reports that another small update coming later today will cause Explosive Holds to close.

Shortly after Respawn released the patch notes, live balance associate designer John Larson shared some of the design philosophy behind Seer’s changes on Twitter. Larson says the goal behind this patch “is to get to the pain points and degenerate play patterns without preemptively gutting the unique parts of Seer’s kit.” In other words, those who were hoping for more fundamental changes to Seer will be disappointed. Respawn aims to ease the frustration many feel playing against him while still maintaining his place in the legends of the game.

Larson went on to say that he thinks Seer and the “meta wallhack” will need continuous adjustments and refinements as the game evolves. He noted that “scoring is now practically impossible”, referring to the number of players, especially participants ranked in solo queue, like to hide in corners of the map until there is no remaining. only a few teams in the game.

The patch is now live on PC and all console editions of Apex Legends.


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