120 suspects caged on clashes in the Dagomba line


The scrap sellers and some other people who claim to be Aboabo natives have been involved in a violent conflict over the legitimate owner of the property.

Police said two unidentified men, who were shot and machete wounded in the clashes, lost their lives.

At first, more than 100 people were gathered for interrogation, but their number rose to 120.

Ashanti Regional Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Godwin Ahianyoh, confirmed the deaths at Nhyira FM's badistance. Police and military patrols have proliferated in the region.

Alhaji Alidu Seidu is MCE for Asokore MampongAlhaji Alidu Seidu is MCE for Asokore Mampong

Meanwhile, the municipal security committee of Asokore Mampong called for a joint meeting with the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) to resolve the stalemate.

He also wants the Ashanti Regional Security Council to summon Asemhene and the Ghana Railway Company management to clarify the owner of the disputed land.

In an emergency meeting on Friday, MUSEC President Alidu Seidu called for calm among the warring factions as the KMA solicits REGSEC support to solve the problem by increasing the number of police and police patrols. military.

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