15 dead Menzgolders; customers to pick SEC, EOCO


General News on Friday, March 29, 2019

Source: clbadfmonline.com


Menzgold  The 15 injured clients died as a result of shock due to blocked funds

Members of Menzgold's Misled Consumers Coalition (CMAC) suggested that the Office for Combating Organized and Economic Crime (EOCO), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Ministry of the Attorney General would have looted before April 2, 2019 blocked investments of the gold concession company Menzgold Ghana Limited.

On March 28, 2019, coalition president Timothy Binob said in a press release that: "The coalition has buried more than 15 of its members due to shock and heart failure , because of their blocked funds, from where the action "

The group said the latest action had become necessary "because of the casual attitude of state actors to the plight of the delinquent customers".

All of Menzgold's offices were released and locked up following a court ruling freezing the badets of Menzgold's chief executive, Nana Appiah Mensah.

The SEC closed the company due to regulatory breaches in August 2018. Since then, thousands of customers have seen their investments stalled and have organized several protests aimed at recovering their investments, but to no avail.

The government has made efforts to obtain the extradition of Mr. Mensah from Dubai after the announcement of his arrest in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), but these efforts were unsuccessful. Mr. Mensah is being detained on a felony charge following a bad $ 23 million contract. He is currently in custody at the Al Barsha Police Cell.

A Dubai-based businessman reported Mr. Mensah for fraud, in May 2018. Unaware that he was on the list of people wanted by the Dubai police, Mr. Mensah returned in the Emirates in the hope of receiving a huge sum thanks to its previous transactions. with the emirati only to be arrested when he presented his pbadport to submit to immigration formalities.

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