2 inmates and 8 fined for sanitation offenses | criminality


Two people, namely Charles Asante and Emmanuel Oduro, were sentenced to 10 months imprisonment for violating the provisions of the Public Health Act of 2012 (851) and the statutes of the Metropolitan Assembly. Accra, 2017.

This follows the inability of the two people to pay a fine of 600 GH ¢ each after a sanitation court, chaired by Ms. Juliet Osei-Duedu, found them guilty of dumping, ordered indiscriminately at Tudu, in the suburbs of Accra.

The court also fined Reuben Abbey 300 ¢ GH or four months' imprisonment. It granted Laro Dauda a bond of 4,000 GH ¢ with bail to reappear in court on 11 August 2019 for the same offense.

At the same time, the court also fined eight Agbogbloshie market traders, namely Gemma Enim, Sena Kwaku, Daniel Amevor, Kofi Asamoah, Kwame Ernest, Kwabena Agyekum, Yaw Attah and Atta Maame, for a total of GH ¢ 3,840 .

These traders were fined for various remediation offenses including selling next to unhealthy drains, presenting food products on bare ground, exposing food products to flies and other contaminants, as well as trading on public drains.

Two other people, Abrewa Paulina and Ayane, who were also convicted of the same offense, were cautioned by the court and released.

According to the prosecutor, Nii Okine Aryee, the four people found guilty of indiscriminate dumping in Tudu were arrested by the public health official of the Metropolitan Assembly of Accra (sanitation working group) ) in the early hours of the morning, around 4 o'clock in the morning. location.

He explained that the eight merchants of Agbogbloshie had been summoned following a market inspection that had revealed the poor state in which they were trading, which had motivated their convening.

The head of AMA's public health department, Florence Kuukyi, said in an interview that Section 100 (5) of the Public Health Act 2013 banned anyone sell, prepare, pack, transport, store or offer for sale food in unsanitary conditions.

She explained that the Assembly's Regulation on Hawkers' 2017 Control of the Assembly states that "an occupant of a space or a sales site is responsible maintain the cleanliness of this space or the sales site and must at the end of each day thoroughly clean the place or sale. Deposit and dispose of all garbage in its environment and place it in garbage cans, a material or a space provided for this purpose, and thoroughly clean stains and marks of grease, oil, grease or any other nature . "

"No article likely to be used for human consumption, to be exposed to dust or flies and to be disposed of in such a way as to satisfy the rules of sanitation prescribed by the badembly," she added. .

She urged all traders, residents and commuters to be responsible for the environment, adding that badembly officials were inspecting the premises and markets for such unhealthy conditions.

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