2019 measles outbreak: Why are both sides wrong?


In the following article, we talk about measles outbreaks (yes, in the plural) in the United States in 2019. The title is written as such in order to attract readers who badume that it is There are two "sides" in "the argument". which surrounds the latest epidemics, with regard to travel and vaccines. There are, of course, many different factors at play in recent measles outbreaks in the United States, but travel and unimmunized people are the most important. All factual information provided in the following text is from the US CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Measles case in 2019

It is hard to believe that we are back to 1994. The year 1994 is the last time the United States has registered so many confirmed measles cases reported in a single year. It is also (obviously) more than the year 2000, the year when measles was declared "eliminated" in the United States.

In 2019, 940 people reported (and confirmed by the CDC) cases of measles in the United States. These cases occurred in more than 26 states. The number of confirmed cases in 2016 was 86. Every year since, the number of confirmed cases of measles in the United States has increased significantly.

Major reason A

Reason A and Reason B are both important. This is not a situation. The main reason A is a set of measles outbreaks in countries around the world. In recent months, the CDC has issued warnings from health organizations in the following countries:

• Israel
• Ukrainian
• Japan
• Brazil

All of these outbreaks were reported during the first months of 2019. Israel, in particular, had a significant epidemic in 2018. In 2018, eighty-two measles cases were reported by travelers.

What's a "traveler": The CDC makes no specific statement about the type of "traveler" that brought measles to the United States. Some are visiting, others are staying and some are US citizens who have traveled abroad and returned with measles.

Major reason B

In the United States, the spread of measles over the last decade has been caused mainly by individuals and communities who are not intentionally vaccinated. In communities where vaccination rates are high, the spread of measles is relegated to the rank of unvaccinated individuals.

"Measles is preventable and the way to end this epidemic is to ensure that all children and adults who can be vaccinated are vaccinated," said Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of the CDC, "Again, I want to rebadure parents that vaccines are safe, they do not cause autism. The greatest danger is the disease that vaccination prevents. "

A statement released this week by the CDC clearly highlighted the importance of these latest outbreaks. Epidemics in New York and Rockland County have been raging for nearly eight months, largely due to widespread misinformation about the non-existent "risks" badociated with vaccination.

"Your decision to vaccinate will protect the health of your family and the well-being of your community," said Redfield. "The CDC will continue to work with public health stakeholders across the country to end this epidemic."

Measles immunization is known as MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella). If you want to know more about how to get this vaccine (and other vaccines), go to Vaccines dot gov and click to find the nearest local source.

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