27-year-old woman missing in Agona Swedru


General News of Monday, June 17, 2019

Source: Graphic.com.gh


Portia Ninson Kwarteng Portia Ninson Kwarteng missing

A 27-year-old graduate of Accra Central University has been missing in Agona Swedru since Friday, June 14, 2019.

Portia Ninson Kwarteng, who earned her first degree in nursing in 2018, was last seen Friday by her husband, Nath Acquah, a tutor in social studies at Kwanyako High Technical College (KWASTECH) in Agona Kwanyako. District of East Agona. Central region.

Portia and the remaining husband in Agona Asafo, near Agona Swedru, were married on December 22, 2018.

She left home that evening around 10 pm to visit Gomoa Pomadze's sister on the main Swedru-Winneba road, but has not come back since.

Relations who escorted her to the side of the road saw her boarding a taxi to get to Agona Swedru, after which she had to take a vehicle connected to Winneba to get to her house. destination.

The emotionally disturbed husband confirmed the incident to Graphic Online. He called the woman's number around 11:30 pm to find out if she had arrived at her destination but her phone was off.

He then said that he phoned Sister Benita Dadson, whom she had visited to ask her if her sister was with her only to receive the news that Portia was not there.

He added that he had subsequently had contact with his wife's and other relatives' relatives, but that all efforts to find his wife had proved futile.

He pointed out that he had officially filed a complaint with the Swedru District Police Headquarters about the incident and called on the general public to help the police, in particular, to find his missing wife .

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