281,000 jobs created in South Korea in June: Korea statistics


6 취업자 28 만 1 천명 ↑ … 1 5 만 에 증가

The South Korean labor market as a whole seems to be improving as the number of new hires peaks in 17 months.
According to Statistics Korea on Wednesday, the number of people employed was about 27 points out of 4 million in June, or 281,000 more than the year before.
This is the highest level since January 2018, … and the rate of increase has surpbaded the 200,000 mark for a period of two months.
This is mainly due to the proliferation of new jobs in the health and social work sectors.
The employment rate of people aged 15 to 64 was over 67% … the highest level reached in June since the compilation of the corresponding data in 1989

#employment # created #June

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