& # 39; PdaNet & # 39; has been updated to hide the modem from the operators



Popular jailbreak tool PdaNet has just been updated to introduce a new feature that hides the use of the iPhone attachment to its operator. The update comes at a time when AT & T is cracking down on customers who are illegally using their device's data connection without having to pay for a modem plan.

To identify the illegal modem, AT & T examines the type of packets that are hitting its network. Any package that does not come from an iPhone is verified and warnings are then sent to offenders to inform them that they must stop their wrongdoing or be billed for their use.

PdaNet This new feature masks packets and makes the carrier believe they come from an iPhone and that all their subscribers are good boys and good girls.

In addition to packet masking, the 5.00 update allows multiple Wi-Fi connections and has been rewritten to provide the best possible performance and eliminate bugs.

MyWi users should not be too discouraged; it will not be long before this application follows a similar feature.

[via[via[via[viaIPhone download blog]

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