& # 39; Protect the good spirit & atmosphere of the camp & # 39; – MP


Sports News from Monday, July 8, 2019

Source: ghananewsagency.org


Black Stars Train Black stars of Ghana

Asemanyi Kojo, vice-chair of the special parliamentary committee on youth, sports and culture, said the ongoing public debate on the monetary issues of the Black Stars would affect the good spirit and atmosphere of the camp at the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) in Egypt.

"Over the years, we always give an idea of ​​the budget allocations allocated to competition. However, we must exercise some restraint this time, as excessive concentration on this situation would destabilize the good spirit and peace of mind of the camp team.

The MP for Gomoa East said in an interview with GNA Sports in Ismailia, Egypt, that the Ministry of Youth and Sports was operating within the limits of its annual budget and plans for the year, adding that the figures would be made public.

"As a member of the special parliamentary committee of youth, sports and culture, we have the opportunity to see the expenses of the team. For competitions of this nature, however, we must be cautious about our budget requests. because there are also sponsorship considerations.

"We do not encourage excessive spending, but let's be cautious about monetary problems, because 37 years without this AFCON Cup are of great concern to this country.

"We have to find ways to stop it, although I do not say in any way that we should spend more," he added.

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