& # 39; Under Deck: & # 39; It's maybe why the chef Ben will not come back to the show


Lower bridge of the Mediterranean The fans were hoping that Chief Ben Robinson would rush to save the day, much like he did in the third season. Under the bridge.

When Chief Leon Walker was fired, Robinson suddenly appeared and finished the season in force. He was also the leader during season four Under the bridge. But once the season was over, Robinson made it clear that he was taking a (long) break from his life as superyacht leader.

Chef Ben Robinson | Photo of Virginia Sherwood / Bravo / NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

Despite sending an official statement to Bravo, fans still thought that Robinson might be the new leader. Especially after the photo with Robinson and the crew of the current season Under the Med bridge.

Robinson will not be the leader this season

Viewers now know that the third stew Anastasia Surmava was named chef after the dismissal of chef Mila Kolomeitseva. Until then, fans still thought Robinson was on the road, even though the team insisted that was not the case.

Robinson also told Bravo's The Daily Dish that he would not return after the fourth season. "I decided to take a break in the show this season. I will continue to focus on my career as a leader and holistic nutritionist, and I will soon have a lot of exciting news on these fronts! "

Of course, never say, what Robinson knows. "The door is always open for Under the bridgeand I wish all the best to the crew for the upcoming season. "

He also offered this index

A fan of Twitter Robinson asked why yacht chefs tend to be so stressed in charter. "I love it below, and the chefs are amazing, but why do they panic so much !! If they were in a restaurant, they would do more than 100 seats a night !! It's only a table of 8 difficult guys !! "

Robinson's answer may have helped to understand why viewers have not seen it since Under the bridge since 2017. "Most charter leaders have a five year expectancy. I did it for 13 years. Chef on the biggest #28 years old yacht. The crew and its guest need 300 plates a day. #Dessousdeckméditerranéen#Below you yourself … we are waiting for your job application. "

A yacht chef told Vice, anonymously, how he paid but could feel lonely. "There are months when I work, who sometimes feel disconnected from their friends at home and earn a salary corresponding to an opportunity to spend them," admitted the chef. "But I'm also able to make spontaneous decisions to go home and prepare a big crab dinner for 40 friends, or go to New Orleans for a meal."

A stressful job

Some leaders find work more stressful at sea than on land. The chefs responded to a thread on Dockwalk about the job, citing the very intense requests.

One chief said other jobs, while stressful, still have breaks and downtime. "From the galley, I would say that nobody works as hard as a chef, guest trips, crossings, periods of construction you let me know when is a period of immobilization? Similar efforts are needed day after day to produce food instead of slipping into an office to do accounts or hiding in the laundry, "commented the yacht's chief.

The chef added: "All the other departments undergo a lull throughout the year, while a person above the average wants it (food) every day, variety, etc." Of course, we choose all our roles. why there will be a definite shortage of leaders. Think about it, whether they work alone or not, they can also feel very lonely. "

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