5/27 WWE Raw Preview: Beast In The Bank, the Next Human Challenger and More


WWE Monday evening is returning to Sprint Center in Kanas City, Missouri tonight, and if no match has been announced for the show so far, there is enough to amaze.

Brock Lesnar, "the incarnate beast", returns to the red mark tonight, accompanied by his lawyer, Paul Heyman, as usual.

The future of the United States Championship will also be revealed, in another important segment of the series. Rey Mysterio beat Samoa Joe to win the title at Money in the Bank last weekend, but suffered a very legitimate split shoulder in a post-match attack. The legend of Lucha will be at the rendezvous. We must therefore know if he will always be able to compete.

Raw's official preview on WWE.com also shows that we can find out who Becky Lynch's new challenger is for the Raw Women's Championship tonight. There will also be more shenanigans involving the all-new WWE 24/7 championship currently being organized by R-Truth.

Join us for live coverage of Monday evening tonight at 8 / 7c.

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