5 things you might not be doing to get more followers, likes on Instagram


Instagram is a social media platform that most of the people reading this article must have tried. Instagram might not be liked by everyone, but a lot of people are still addicted to double tapping and swiping on the app. It is an addiction and it grows over time. People are not only drawn to what other users have posted, but also want to draw attention to their content. As users slowly become aware of the different ways to get traction on their social media profiles, we’ve compiled a list of ways that can help users optimize their performance. Instagram account to get more content engagement.
Add hashtags to your posts
Hashtags can help you grab the attention of users with similar interests and with the right hashtag your content is more likely to be visible or featured on the Trending page. It is always recommended to add multiple hashtags related to your post to reach a large audience.
Write the relevant information in your bio
Don’t leave your Instagram bio blank. You should have relevant information about your account in your bio as it is the first thing visible to any user who lands on your profile. Your bio should be clear and unique enough to grab the attention of any potential follower.
Keep track of likes, views and comments
Once you change your personal Instagram profile to a creator account, you have a variety of tools and a professional dashboard to track engagements with your account. These tools help you understand what type of content your followers prefer and which posts get the most engagement. You need to study your account in order to optimize it.
How long should your message caption last
Subtitles are another key area that you should keep in mind before posting anything. The length of the captions works differently depending on the number of subscribers in your account. Large accounts with over a million subscribers get more engagement with posts without any captions, and small accounts with up to 10,000 followers, research shows better engagement when a 50 character caption has been added in the publications. The emojis in your caption also have an impact on the likes or views your content gets. It is advisable to add emojis in your caption before posting anything.
Use the alt text feature before posting anything
This is a characteristic that few people know about. Instagram allows users to add alt texts describing their content before sharing it online. This feature can be accessed by going to the Advanced Settings option right before posting anything. Alt text helps Instagram’s algorithm understand what your content is about and to which users the post is relevant.

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