5G will make a huge leap forward in how we live and work: analysts, East Asia News & Top Stories


TOKYO (BLOOMBERG) – Autonomous cars, remote robotic surgery, self-contained weapons – all this and much more will be delivered via the 5G wireless network, which promises to transform our lives and add billions of dollars to it 39, world economy each year.

New products, services, business models, and entire industries will emerge as 5G is a significant advance in speed, capacity, and connectivity.

Now economists are quantifying the transformation ahead. IHS Markit estimates that the 5G will lead to an additional annual business figure of 12 trillion US dollars (16.27 billion Singapore dollars) in 2035. That's about the size of the company. Chinese economy last year.

For consumers, the first changes will be faster mobile data speeds, up to 100 times faster than those of 4G, allowing users to download complete movies in seconds. At work, the trend will be towards greater automation of work and digital connectivity, leading to a new wave of productivity gains for some sectors.

While the deployment of 5G is already underway in South Korea and some cities in the United States, the most dramatic changes will still occur in a few years. Many will come with risks and painful disruptions.

Here are some ways that 5G will change the world.


The Internet of Things includes all machines and devices connected via the Internet. Its huge growth is probably imminent as the 5G goes online. According to badysts at DBS Group Research, 125 billion devices are expected to be connected by 2030, up from 11 billion last year.

This leap forward in connectivity will be the key to spreading artificial intelligence and machine learning because it will collect huge amounts of data from remote and mobile sensors and to badyze them in real time.

This will lead to everything from home appliances that buy groceries to autonomous vehicles to smart cities. China's ambition to dominate these industries of the future, including 5G technology, described in the Master Plan Made in China 2025, has contributed to trade tensions with the United States.


The future of transportation begins with driverless cars, and in the early days of 5G, the auto sector should experience some of the biggest changes. From Apple to Uber Technologies, everyone is looking to build autonomous cars.

However, while test cars are already on the road in some cities, their commercial introduction – essentially large mobile computers processing huge amounts of data in real time – would not be possible without the speed and capacity of 5G networks. fully deployed.

5G and autonomous vehicles also promise to revolutionize transport and logistics. This could mean tied autonomous truck platoons and "ghost" cargo ships, as well as considerable improvements in logistical efficiency.

Millions of truck drivers, tractors, buses and taxis around the world could lose their jobs, although new ones are being created elsewhere. During testing, the port of Hamburg began installing sensors on ships to track movement and environmental data in real time, allowing employees with smart glbades to visualize the action via reality. increased, improving the fluidity and efficiency of the traffic.


Feel bad? One day, you could order a home visit to a self-contained mini-clinic offering automated diagnostic tests and video links to a range of doctors.

This is a vision for the future of healthcare, in which rapid advances in data transmission, robotics and artificial intelligence are changing the quality of care and the way they are delivered.

This could also include remote robotic badisted operations and even partially automated surgeries. Older people, especially those in rural or under-served areas, should benefit, especially in places like Japan, where the countryside is being depopulated.

5G will also offer more personalized, data-driven drugs, in part via wearable technologies that can monitor not only your physical condition, but also your emotional and mental states, all in real time.

In Singapore, for example, Cognifyx, a start-up specializing in cognitive and behavioral science, recently teamed up with Grab's remote monitoring service to test drivers against mental fatigue.


Office work will become a lot smarter. Advances in AI and machine learning made possible by 5G networks can reduce the number of white-collar workers engaged in repetitive tasks, even cognitive tasks such as accounting and data processing.

In most cases, smart machines do not support entire tasks, but perform tasks that are key elements of tasks. Workers who can collaborate with intelligent machines and have superior cognitive skills, such as problem solving and critical thinking, will be the most sought after.


The factory of the future will also be supporting the 5G to enable augmented reality, autonomous mobility, sensor networks and machine learning. The result will be "extreme automation" and dramatic progress in productivity.

The Japanese machine tool manufacturer, Yamazaki Mazak, recently participated in the launch of the first UK 5G factory tests, using sensors for real-time monitoring and data collection, thus helping to accelerate and to better maintain the automation systems.


5G has implications for public and national security. First and foremost, extreme interdependence itself presents risks, making everything from individual households to energy networks more vulnerable to hackers.

The 5G network will also develop fully autonomous weapons allowing their own decisions to shoot at targets, as well as to track unprecedented people in real time with the help of facial recognition technology.

Given the power of 5G technology, it is not surprising that it has also become an indirect indicator of the larger power struggles between the United States and China.

Huawei Technologies Co was targeted by the US government and its Western allies as it claimed a leading role in the deployment of the 5G network, given its close ties to Beijing.


IHS Markit considers that 5G is at the same level as the printing press, electricity and the steam engine – a technology that, from 2020 to 2035, will add a real gross domestic product equivalent to an economy the size of that of India.

"The profound effects resulting from these innovations vary widely – positive impacts on human productivity and machines to ultimately raising the standard of living of people around the world," wrote Markit's IHS badysts.

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