60 Daughters of Archbishop Porter Convalescing After Food Poisoning – Director


General News on Friday, March 29, 2019

Source: starrfm.com.gh


Archbishop Porter Girls High School of Archbishop Porter for Girls

Charlotte Aseidu Musa, Principal of Porter Girls' High School in Sekondi, Western Region, badured parents and guardians that the school food poisoning case on Thursday, March 28, was under control.

Sending to GBC, Twin City Radio News, in Sekondi, she stated that most of the affected students had been treated and discharged.


More than 60 students from Archbishop Porter Girls High School in Takoradi, Western Region, were admitted to Holy Child Hospital for food poisoning.

Radio Ghana News, in Sekondi, estimated that the case had started last night when a group of students started complaining of stomach pains while some had diarrhea .

Situation under control:

The school principal, Mrs. Charlotte Musa, confirmed the incident of food poisoning on Empire News but reiterated that the situation was under control.

Sylvester Fameye, medical director of Holy Child Hospital in Fijai, confirmed that it was a case of food poisoning, added that the situation had overwhelmed the health center and that some logistical elements were mobilized to allow other people to go to school.

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