642 Ghanaians deported from the United States


General News on Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Source: 3news.com


Deported 2019 US ICE and ORE reports indicate that Ghanaians were deported between 2016 and 2018 (archive photo)

The United States of America expelled in three years 642 Ghanaians convicted of various offenses, including acts that undermined border control and the integrity of the US immigration system.

A report on the activities of the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Law Enforcement Operations (ERO) during fiscal year 2018 indicates that Ghanaians were deported between 2016 and 2018.

According to the report, 94 Ghanaians were deported from the United States in 2016.

In 2017, the number of Ghanaians deported from the United States increased by a staggering 69.1% to 305.

However, in 2018, the number of Ghanaians deported from the United States dropped to 243, a decrease of 25.5%.

Law Enforcement and Elimination Operations (ERO) identifies, stops and removes aliens who pose a danger to national or public security, or who otherwise compromise border control and the integrity of the system. 39, American immigration.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), on the other hand, shares responsibility for administering and enforcing the country's national immigration laws with US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Citizenship Services. and immigration from the United States.

Expulsions of African migrants have increased, or even more than doubled in some cases.

Despite a 6% drop in the total number of referrals, the number of referrals from countries such as The Gambia, Niger and Senegal has risen sharply.

On January 25, 2017, President Donald J. Trump issued a decree to strengthen public safety in the United States.

It sets out the administration's priorities in applying the immigration and removal rules.

Subsequently, on 20 February 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Implementation Memorandum entitled Immigration Enforcement in the Service of the National Interest provided further guidance for the implementation of implementation of the policies set out in the decree.

Together, the Executive Decree and the Implementing Memorandum have broadened the ICE enforcement objectives to include detained foreigners who have been convicted of a criminal offense, foreigners charged with any unresolved criminal offense, and those who have committed acts constituting a criminal offense liable to prosecution.

Other persons are persons who have committed fraud or willful misrepresentation in connection with an official case before a government agency, persons who have abused any program related to public benefits, who are subject to a removal order but have not complied with their legal obligation to leave the United States and, in the opinion of an immigration officer, also pose a risk to public safety or security. national security.

The department continued to operate under the directive that removable clbades or clbades of foreigners are not exempted from potential application.

Ghana and US tango on visa restrictions

Ghana and the United States of America oppose the plan to deport more than 7,000 Ghanaians from the United States to Ghana.

While the United States has stated that Ghana has not cooperated adequately since 2016 to provide travel documents to those affected, Ghana does not agree.

This year, the US imposed visa restrictions as of February 4, 2019, as its embbady in Accra stopped issuing all non-immigrant visas (NIVs) to national employees (A3 and G5) of diplomats Ghanaians in the United States.

Consular agents also limit the validity period and the number of entries on new business and tourist visas (B1, B2 and B1 / B2) for all Ghanaian employees of the executive and of the legislature, their spouses and their children under 21, single. entry visas.

Since July 2016, the US government has had unsuccessful talks with the Government of Ghana in Washington DC and Accra.

US sanctions on Ghana unjustified in visa matters – Foreign Affairs

But the Department of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration has expressed disappointment over the US's decision to impose visa penalties in Ghana for alleged lack of cooperation in accepting Ghanaian nationals expelled from the United States.

He stated that these allegations were unfounded and that the sanctions imposed on Ghana were without justification.

Ghana, as a sovereign country, has a duty to continue to protect its citizens all over the world by ensuring that appropriate procedures are in place for all issues related to the expulsion of its citizens from other countries said the ministry.

In a statement issued by the ministry's public affairs directorate, the government has always cooperated with US authorities in the processing and removal of Ghanaian citizens who had been cited for deportation to Ghana.

According to the newspaper, the Ghanaian government was concerned about past experiences in which Ghanaian deportees had been sent home, chained up, and physically handcuffed to their seats in the plane.

He therefore urged the United States Government to recognize and ensure that deportation processes are in line with international best practice and national laws and respect the dignity of those involved, including those convicted of the crime of deportation. crimes.

According to the statement, the ministry badessed the situation and put in place appropriate measures under international law and bilateral relations between the two countries in due course.

In accordance with international law, the Ghana Embbady in Washington DC has undertaken identification and verification processes to ensure that all persons designated for deportation to Ghana are bona fide citizens of Ghana.

Countries around the world have started these processes to accept their expelled citizens, and this is not unique to Ghana and the US situation, the statement said.

She added that the identification and verification mechanisms had established deadlines and procedures, which were communicated to the evicting authorities at any time.

Ghana issues travel certificates to 11 in January

As of January 8, 2019, the Ghana Mission in Washington DC had received 20 requests from US authorities, 19 of which had been interviewed by the embbady and 11 travel certificates issued for their return trip to Ghana.

The outstanding people are the result of the doubt about their Ghanaian nationality, their state of health and their lawsuit in American courts.

According to the statement, the US authorities verbally informed the ministry that about 7,000 Ghanaians were at different stages of the eviction proceedings.

However, US authorities have not upheld a final court ruling on their removal, in accordance with US law.

He was surprised, therefore, that the US authorities did not take into account international deportation protocols and invoked allegations of lack of cooperation on the part of Ghana.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced on Friday, February 1, 2019, in coordination with the State Department, the application of visa penalties in Ghana for lack of cooperation in the United States. acceptance of nationals of his country who had been expelled from the United States.

Under Section 243 (d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), US Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, informed the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that the Government of Ghana had denied or unreasonably delayed in accepting its nationals ordered the removal of the United States.

As a result, Secretary of State Pompeo ordered consular agents in Ghana to impose visa restrictions on certain categories of visa applicants.

Without an appropriate response from Ghana, the sanctions could be extended to a wider population.

The sanctions would remain in force until the US Secretary of Homeland Security informed US Secretary Pompeo that the referral cooperation was approved to an acceptable level.

Visa restrictions of the American Embbady

The US Embbady said in a statement: "It is important to note that A3 and G5 visa applications will be processed, but no visa in this category will be issued as long as these restrictions are in effect."

The absence of a decision did not mean a visa refusal, adding that "the application will remain pending until the lifting of the visa restrictions, in which case the visa application will continue to be processed."

The statement reminds countries that have signed the United Nations Convention on International Civil Aviation that they are obliged to issue the necessary travel documents to their citizens under deportation orders. from another country.

Section 243 (d) of the US Immigration and Nationality Act states that when a country is determined to refuse or unreasonably delay in accepting the return of its nationals, the government United States introduces visa restrictions until the situation is resolved.

He added that all other consular operations at the US embbady in Accra would continue normally.

These visa restrictions would not affect other consular services provided, including the processing of applications from persons not covered by the imposition of restrictions (eg student visas).

The United States attaches importance to its dynamic partnership with Ghana and remains committed to cooperating with the Government of Ghana to resolve the situation, he added.

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