7 Things to Do to Prevent a Heart Attack – Enterprise Journal


To prevent a heart attack or cardiovascular disease, you must make smart, healthy choices that will bring you the rest of your life.

According to one study, cardiovascular diseases would be the cause of the death of at least one in three Americans. Most people do not think about heart health as long as there is no problem.

However, research shows that the risk of heart attack can be significantly reduced with proper diet, medication, and exercise.

You need to make some changes to your lifestyle to keep your heart healthy and prevent a heart attack:

Being physically active

It is important to stay physically active because with age, your body's ability to pump blood to your heart decreases.

In addition to keeping your heart healthy, the exercises help you lose weight, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, improve the body's response to insulin, and so on.

According to the American Heart Association, a healthy person should exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

Older people should not do strenuous physical activity if their body does not allow it. They should try to incorporate simple physical activities first, such as climbing stairs rather than taking a lift.

Control your weight

Although people of all weights are at risk of heart attack, your chances increase considerably if you are overweight.

If you plan to change your diet or exercise, start slowly and make small changes each day. Try a little stroll, avoid popcorn and empty foods, eat healthy fruits and much more.

It does not matter if there are only minor improvements, because each element counts. You will be surprised at everything you have accomplished in just a few weeks.

Stop smoking

We all know that smoking is addictive, but if you want to keep your heart healthy, you must give it up as soon as possible.

The chemicals and unwanted substances of cigarettes create a plaque in the arteries and heart, responsible for atherosclerosis. The plaque blocks the circulation of blood in your heart, which increases the risk of heart attack.

As a smoker, you are not only hurting your health, but also your surroundings. According to one report, there is more than a 30% chance of developing cardiovascular disease among non-smokers due to exposure to smoke at the workplace or at home.

Eat healthy fats

It is important to have healthy fats because they lower LDL cholesterol and increase the good HDL cholesterol.

Some of the good and healthy monounsaturated fats are found in linseed oil, nuts and others; polyunsaturated fats in cereals, vegetable oils and essential fatty acids in nuts, flax and many others.

These types of fats help you not only to keep your heart healthy, but also to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

Cut out the bazaar

You must stop eating junk food if you have early signs of heart attack. Limit your intake of saturated fats such as meat, cheese, butter and others.

Processed foods contain the maximum amount of trans fat, which increases the risk of heart attack.

Try to eat trans fat free foods and check the labels of processed foods if they contain unhealthy fats.

Many manufacturers claim that their foods are trans free if the amount of trans fat is less than 5 grams, but you must be aware of this type of scams because these fats can harm your body.

Control of sugar and soda consumption

Try to control the limit of sugar and soda consumption as this increases the risk of weight gain. Sweet sweetness will require you to eat more foods high in carbohydrates.

If you are one of the biggest soda drinkers, the chances of having heart disease increase by 20%.

If you are diabetic, avoid sugary drinks and opt instead for lemon or iced tea.

Get regular projections

Even if you follow a healthy diet, there may still be risks of heart disease. Therefore, regular screenings can help you avoid a heart attack or a major stroke.

Consult your doctor and check your blood pressure, your blood count, your cholesterol level regularly.

If the arteries are clogged, take the appropriate medications and ask your doctor if surgery is needed.

Final words

A heart attack can happen to anyone, at any age. Therefore, to minimize the risk of onset, you must follow a healthy diet and eliminate all unhealthy foods.

If you have signs of a heart attack, do not neglect it and see a cardiologist as soon as possible.

The more you control your diet, the better your general well-being will be.

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