790 LUSPA employees migrated to the local government service


Nana Agyekum Dwamena (2nd from right), the head of the civil service making a symbolic transfer of staff by handing a USB key containing the required data to Dr Nana Ato Arthur (left), head of the local government department, during the meeting. demonstration. Mr. Lawrence Dakurah (right), President and CEO of the Regional Planning and Spatial Planning Authority (LUPSA) Image: EDNA ADU-SERWAA

Nana Agyekum Dwamena (2nd from right), the head of the civil service making a symbolic transfer of staff by handing a USB key containing the required data to Dr Nana Ato Arthur (left), head of the local government department, during the meeting. demonstration. Mr. Lawrence Dakurah (right), President and CEO of the Regional Planning and Spatial Planning Authority (LUPSA) Image: EDNA ADU-SERWAA

Seven hundred and ninety staff from the Physical Planning Department (PPD) of the LUSPA (Planning and Land Use Planning Service) have been transferred from the civil service to local government ( LGS).

The staff, which was at the LUSPA district level, formerly called the Urban and Rural Planning Department, was transferred to the Parks and Gardens Department to train the DPP at District Assemblies.

The transfer and merger must ensure that the unfair and unpredictable development of human settlements in the country is taken into account.

Symbolic ceremony

At a ceremony to symbolically hand over the office's staff to the LGS's chief of civil service, LGS chief Dr. Nana Ato Arthur said the sustainability and resilience of the metropolitan municipal and district bademblies would depend on broadly on the integration of development and spatial dimensions in the design of interventions at national, regional and district levels, with the participation of all stakeholders.

He added that the mandate of the DPP is to lead the planning, management and implementation of harmonious, sustainable and cost-effective environmental and human settlements in the districts, in accordance with sound environmental and environmental principles. planning.

Dr. Arthur added that the department's importance in carrying out the country's socio-economic program could not be underestimated, as the government is currently implementing several interventions for economic development, job creation and social development. sustainable development. Development Objectives (SDGs).

He said the work of the DPP has a direct and important impact on development issues, such as modernization of agriculture, income generation, sanitation, disaster risk reduction, transport, adaptation to climate change and housing.

He announced that the Local Government Act 2016 (Law 936) had elevated the LGS Human Resources (HR) units to a departmental level.

As a result, he called on all Regional Coordinating Councils and MMDAs to recognize their human resource units as such, indicating that administrative instructions would soon follow for the detailed modalities.

Deepening of decentralization

Nana Agyekum Dwamena, head of the civil service, said migration of staff was an important exercise as it aimed to deepen the government's decentralization agenda.

He called on the staff to continue working hard under his new direction.

Lawrence Dakurah, President and CEO of LUPSA, said the DPP faced a host of problems ranging from insufficient staffing to inadequate resources for operations, which had a negative impact on their performance.

He therefore urged the LGS to make conscious efforts to meet these challenges, stating that the authority was ready to work with them in this regard.

He said the DPP had a crucial role to play in the country's development and urged public service bodies and the private sector to help fulfill its mandate.

Public Service Commission Commissioner Michael Aduhene Adu-Darko, who presided over the ceremony, said the transfer would bring staff closer to the people he was working with.

However, he asked them to ensure that they change their ways and conform to modern trends.

Mr. Adu-Darko also invited them to reflect so that their services have a positive impact on the population.

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