Drinking tea with licorice can cause a hypertensive emergency | Drug


Licorice root extract is not without risk to health, according to a case study published this week in Journal of the Canadian Medical Association.

Demonstration of the main mechanism of action of licorice by inhibition of 11-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11-β-HSD2) in the distal tubules of the kidney. H - hydrogen ion, H2O - water, K - potbadium, Na - sodium. Image credit: Falet et al, doi: 10.1503 / cmaj.180550.

Demonstration of the main mechanism of action of licorice by inhibition of 11-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11-β-HSD2) in the distal tubules of the kidney. H – hydrogen ion, H2O – water, K – potbadium, Na – sodium. Image credit: Falet et al, doi: 10.1503 / cmaj.180550.

"Licorice, the root of the plant Glycyrrhiza glabra, has been used for thousands of years for its therapeutic properties and as an essential ingredient of various sweets and beverages. Its use dates back to ancient Assyria, Egypt, China and India, "said Dr. Jean-Pierre Falet of McGill University and his colleagues.

"To this day, it remains popular in the Middle East, as well as in many parts of Europe."

According to the team, an 84-year-old man in Canada was hospitalized after drinking homemade licorice tea.

He reported a history of persistent measures of systolic blood pressure (between 180 and 210 mm Hg) for one week at home, accompanied by symptoms of headache, photophobia, chest pain and fatigue.

After admission to the hospital and his treatment, the patient, who had a history of high blood pressure, told doctors that he had drank one to two glbades a day of extract from licorice root called "erk under" for two weeks before.

"The Erk Sub is a popular Egyptian drink, sought after for its thirst-quenching effect, especially during the month of Ramadan," the researchers said.

"It is traditionally prepared by combining licorice root and baking soda in a rag and adding water drop by drop for several hours."

The patient was diagnosed with pseudohyperaldosteronism induced by licorice.

"With total abstinence from licorice extract while he was in the hospital, the patient's blood pressure gradually improved and she was 140/80 mm Hg at the hospital exit 13 days after his presentation, "said the scientists.

"He was sent home on amlodipine, metoprolol, irbesartan, hydrochlorothiazide and furosemide cones, along with the rest of his usual medications."

The patient was seen at the clinic three weeks later. his blood pressure was 110/57 mmHg and he was feeling well. He had not taken any liquorice extract since his admission to the hospital.

"Excessive amounts of certain herbal products can have harmful side effects," said Dr. Falet.

"Products containing licorice root extract can increase blood pressure, cause water retention and decrease potbadium levels if they are consumed in excess."

"Given Canada's multicultural population, physicians should consider checking the consumption of licorice root in patients with difficult to control hypertension."


Jean-Pierre Falet et al. 2019. Hypertensive urgency induced by licorice tea. CMAJ 191 (21): E581-E583; doi: 10.1503 / cmaj.180550

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