Tunisian media mogul announces candidacy for presidency


The controversial founder of a major Tunisian private television channel announced that he would run for president of the North African nation in the November elections.

Nabil Karoui, 50, announced his decision Monday in a live interview with his television channel Nessma TV, in which he presented his highly publicized charity work.

Karoui wants to replace 92-year-old outgoing president Beji Caid Essesbi, whom he supported in the last elections of 2014.

The media officer has been accused by regulators and some politicians of using Nessma to boost his ambitions.

Karoui has launched in recent years highly publicized charity campaigns, distributing food and clothing in front of the Nessma cameras, which he launched in 2007.

"I met people, I helped them, quarter by district," he said, announcing his candidacy.

"I saw the difficulty in which these people live."

Karoui said that he had badembled a group of experts to compile a program and a slate of candidates for the October parliamentary elections.

Last year, the Tunisian television watchdog seized Nessma material after accusing it of trying to "influence" the state organs.

Essebsi, the first democratically elected Tunisian president, said in April that he was not considering running for office, but would make room for a younger person.

Tunisia, whose revolt in 2011 overthrew longtime dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and unleashed the uprisings of the Arab Spring, was hailed as a model of democratization in the Arab world despite the economic difficulties and attacks of jihadism.

None of the main political parties in the country has yet announced its presidential candidates.

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