Video game addiction is real


The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially declared video game addiction to be an illness. So, if you feel that you or someone you know know about video games for too long and that they often suffer from a recognized medical disorder.

This has been coming for some time. In January 2018, the first version of the 11th edition of the International Clbadification of Diseases (ICD-11) was published. The gambling disorder was included for the first time, which leads us to suggest that gambling addiction is a disease

It's (almost) official: gambling addiction is a disease

It's (almost) official: gambling addiction is a disease
If you are addicted to video games then you may be suffering from a mental health problem. This is at least according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
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What is gambling disorder?

It is now officially official, with the World Health Assembly officially adopting ICD-11. This includes an entry for what the WHO calls "gambling disorder". This is a condition listed after "Game Trouble" and uses much of the same language.

Gaming disorder signs include "a type of persistent or recurring gaming behavior (" digital game "or" video game "), which may be online (ie, on the Internet) or offline ". This will result in an "altered control on the games. "

Victims can show "the increasing priority given to gambling as gambling overrides other interests in life and daily activities" and "the continuation or intensification of gambling despite the occurrence of negative consequences".

On January 1, 2022, I try to be the first to withdraw my Disability Gamble Check.

– Val (@ validus) May 25, 2019

Representatives of the video game industry, including the Entertainment Software Association and the European Games Developer Federation, have asked the WHO to rethink this decision. In all, 10 organizations gave their name to a statement that reads as follows:

"WHO is an esteemed organization and its guidelines must be based on regular, comprehensive and transparent reviews supported by independent experts. Gambling disorder is not based on evidence strong enough to warrant inclusion in one of the most important standard-setting tools of WHO. "

Assuming that the video game industry fails in its efforts to ensure that "gambling disorder" does not become a thing, ICD-11 will come into effect on January 1, 2022. At this point, gambling addiction video will be officially recognized as a disorder to the WHO.

Do not play video games too much

The decision to clbadify video game addiction among diseases was always controversial. The problem, as with most addictions, is where to draw the line. By including it in ICD-11, the WHO can at least study the excessive impact of video games.

There is evidence that video games are addictive

6 psychological reasons why video games are addictive

6 psychological reasons why video games are addictive
Video games are addictive by their nature. In this article, we explore what makes video games so addictive, even more so than movies and TV shows.
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. We advise you to play with moderation, because any excess can be detrimental. In the same way, you would not want to spend 18 hours a day eating, do not play video games for 18 hours a day.

Image credit: Andy Simmons / Flickr

Learn more about addiction, play culture, health, mental health.

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