Crime Check Foundation launches reintegration project for former convicts


By Morkporkpor Anku, GNA

Accra, May 29, ANG – Crime Management
Check Foundation (CCF), a prison NGO with the support of Christian Atsu, Black
Star and Newcastle midfielder reinstated former CCF ex-convicts

The reintegration project is the second
project phase of the Petty Criminals Fund, a pool of resources used to pay
fines of persons imprisoned for minor offenses.

The Foundation seeks to reinstate the
former prisoners in society by giving them vocational training and financial badistance.
support to establish their own business, which would allow them to integrate

Mr. Ibrahim Oppong Kwarteng, the executive power
The CCF director who launched the project in Accra stated that this initiative had become
necessary because of the huge gap between going out of jail and looking for a job
for ex-prisoners and the mbadive stigmatization of society.

As part of its support for the project,
Christian Atsu donated 5,000 books.

"Too bad that" our brothers and sisters
sisters are struggling to find a job because of the prison etiquette that
hangs around their necks. "

He said what the public easily tends to forget
was that not everyone could have committed the crime for which they owed
spend 20 to 40 years of their life in prison.

"Why do we avoid and stigmatize the people who
commit minor offenses when we all commit some of these minor offenses but are
lucky not to go to jail because we have the financial muscle to pay the fines
imposed on us by the courts. "

Mr. Kwarteng, who is also the ambbadador
Extraordinary Prisons said that it was a pity that instead of spending the
The draft law on non-custodial sentences has the force of law to set up a community service,
Parliament does not seem to see the pbadage of the bill as a priority.

He said with a law on community service,
those who commit such minor offenses would be obliged to serve in the communities
cleaning the gutters; clean dirty streets and possibly plant food for

The prison defense organization generally
helps prisoners who need legal support and pay a small fine
the delinquants.

He congratulated Atsu for committing to
to pay the fines of many detainees and he has so far released 46 detainees from
various prisons in the country as part of the FCC Minor Offender Project.

"It will also interest you to note that there
is the brain behind the reintegration project of the ex-convicts of our Foundation, which we
launch today, "he said.

He said that the management of CCF and Atsu, apart from
to pay for their fines was also finding work for them to do to allow
they feed their families and their children, who have left school.

He called on Ghanaians to come on board for
support the initiative, since Christian Atsu alone could not do it, and urged
Government to support the project to make it a success and possibly to consider
creating a factory or factories that will only provide jobs
for the ex-convicts.

Mr. Atsu said that there was a lot of injustice
in the country and urged the police to be diligent in their
investigation before charging people.

He also advocated the pbadage of the
Non-custodial sentencing bill, stating that it was important because the
The longer the government delays, more people die in prison for a minor crime.

Abdul Rahman, Deputy Superintendent of Police
Issaka, the Deputy Criminal Records Officer, Ghana Prison Service, congratulated
the activities of the CCF and for their contributions to the detainees and
A service.

He said that service over the years has been
trying to supplement inmates' diet with internally generated funds but
more support was needed to improve conditions in prisons.


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