U / E: Dams or canoes? Akufo-Addo agrees to consider the claims


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President Akufo-Addo has badured the communities agitated by the size of the dams built in the north of the country that his administration would examine the claims.

He acknowledged that all sorts of criticisms were made about other government policies, but he will ensure that the truth about the issue of dams is made public.

"Unfortunately, for us in Ghana, it is difficult to take what you see in the newspapers as a gospel," he told the chiefs and elders of the Navrongo Traditional Council at Jubilee House, which gave him a courtesy call.

The President's badurances follow the concerns expressed by the Upper East chiefs that the size of the dams under construction can be described as a canoe and not a dam.

The village government's promise of a dam was criticized as some people in the Upper East region began to question the construction of some of the supposed dams.

Although the projects are in various stages of completion, these residents claim that the work done so far is sloppy.

According to the inhabitants who spoke to Joshua Asaa of A1 Radio, what was built is not a dam, but a shelter. They then describe the work done up to now as disappointing.

Weather conditions in northern Ghana are characterized by low rainfall and prolonged periods of drought.

For this reason, farmers in the region, unlike their southern counterparts, can not grow their crops all year round. They also lose a lot of their livestock because the animals die of thirst during the dry season.

Zuarungu Gono Dam

The end result is the migration of youth to the southern regions, in search of greener pastures almost nonexistent.

To help alleviate this problem, President Nana Akufo-Addo, as the flagship of the New Patriotic Party in 2016, promised to build dams in every village in the north of the country.

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Nana Akufo-Addo with the chef of Sekote

In 2019, President Akufo-Addo's government is in its third year, but little is known about the well-known "1 village, 1 dam" policy in the Upper East region.

140 dams were promised to the region, but so far only 40 have been built in the 15 municipalities and districts.

In addition to what locals describe as poor dam quality, they say contractors have failed to implement safety measures.

In Bongo and Bolgatanga, residents consider the dams as deadly traps, killing six people in both areas.

But President Akufo-Addo said that he would look into the matter once he was well informed and that he would take no action in the wake of news reports in the media.

"Sometimes you talk about problems and you realize that the problem is completely opposite (…) after a thorough examination, we will have an appropriate discussion on this subject," he said.

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