Martin Amidu's "selective justice" against disappointing Mahama Ayariga – NDC Youth


General News on Thursday, May 30, 2019



Ayariga Mahama Seo43 Mahama Ayariga, Member of Parliament, Bawku Central

The central wing of Bawku Youth of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has expressed dismay at the way the special prosecutor has discharged his task. She describes it as disappointing, can report ABC News Ghana.

This follows the filing of court proceedings by the Special Prosecutor against Bawku Central MP Mahama Ayariga for a count of five charges including evasion of duties and taxes.

"We have followed with dismay the allegations made by the special prosecutor, Mr. Martin Alamisi Burns Kaiser Amidu, of our diligent MP, the Honorable Mahama Ayariga, who have been brought to the courts of our country," said a party. of the press release issued by the lit group.

The group adds that although he believes in probity and responsibility, the recent actions of the Special Prosecutor describe selective justice.

"As members of the large CND, we believe in probity and responsibility, but we certainly hate vendetta and selective justice, as shown by the recent actions of Mr. Martin Amidu," the group said in its statement. of May 30, 2019.

The group is asking for support for the "under-fire" deputy who risks being sentenced to prison if he is found guilty of the five charges brought against him by the special prosecutor.

"We hold our weight alongside our MP, Hon Mahama Ayariga, as we seek to rebadure the good people of Bawku, both at home and abroad, who are concerned about the continuing blood feud. by no less than Mr. Martin Alamisi Amidu, himself was well brought up in Bawku. We believe that Ghana's courts would remain firmly opposed to the truth by unambiguously reaffirming Hon Mahama Ayariga's innocence. "

Read below the complete statement of the NDC group

May 30, 2019
For immediate release.

Bawku Central Youth Wing of the National Democratic Congress (NDC)

We followed with deep dismay the allegations made by our special prosecutor, Mr. Martin Alamisi Burns Kaiser Amidu, our MP, Hon Mahama Ayariga, who have been brought to the courts of our country.

As members of the large CDN, we believe in probity and responsibility, but we certainly hate blood feud and selective justice, as shown by the recent actions of Mr. Martin Amidu.

The Special Prosecutor's Office, a branch of the Attorney General's Office, must be protected by the rules of the rule of law that require it to be fair and resists the tendency to be swayed by personal interests. as well as partisan political pressures. to act capriciously by going out for the citizens of this country because of his personal dislike for these people. This is unacceptable to say the least in a decent society.

Hon Mahama Ayariga has served this country diligently, in various ways: elected MP, MP on three occasions, press officer and spokesman for our former President, JEA Mills, blessed memory, Deputy Minister of 39, Education, Minister of Information, Minister of Information, Youth and Sports and Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, all serving mother Ghana. We therefore find it inconceivable that Mr. Martin Amidu wants to pursue a program aimed at tarnishing the reputation of Hon Mahama Ayariga as a result of an old personal feud against the people of Bawku for choosing him as Bawku's parliamentary candidate Central a decade ago.

We want to support our MP, Hon Mahama Ayariga, as we seek to rebadure the good people of Bawku, both at home and abroad, who are worried about the continuation of the vendetta by a no less that Mr. Martin Alamisi Amidu, himself was well brought up in Bawku. We are of the view that the Ghanaian courts would be firmly opposed to the truth by unambiguously reaffirming the innocence of Hon Mahama Ayariga.

As the youth wing of the National Democratic Congress in the central district of Bawku, we are also aware of the irreparable damage that Mr. Martin Amidu has suffered in a capricious way. The capricious pursuit of a personal vendetta against innocent citizens of Ghana is a quick mistake of the gains Ghana has made as the oasis of constitutional democracy in Africa underpinned by the rule of law .

It is important to remind Mr Martina Amidu that it is not the Honorable Mahama Ayariga who has urged NDC Elders and opinion leaders in Bawku to reject his parliamentary ambition, advising him to consider the seat instead. now from Builsa North instead of the central district of Bawku. .

He should be willing to use his position as a special prosecutor against those who plunder the country's taxpayers and resources. It's perhaps what the Ghanaian public wants to see and not this lazy, vexatious and irritating enterprise of putting pressure on any one to satisfy its payers who are always busy looting left and right while it's over. look on the other side.

Several cases of alleged alleged corruption have been reported to the Office of the Special Prosecutor, including:

Saga "BOST".
Eurobond Saga of -2,52m
The corruption scandal Kwesi Nyantakyi.
The Australian Visa Racket Scandal
The Galamsey Corruption saga involving a member of the presidential staff, Mr. Charles Bisaw
-The Hon Rockson Bukari corruption sank the saga of the band etc. etc. etc.
It is important to point out without a shadow of a doubt that our "serious" Special Prosecutor has snored over these cases, much to the disappointment and resentment of his paymaster, namely the government of the PNP, headed by Nana Addo-Bawumia, who was tired of sleeping However, the Special Prosecutor began to exert unbearable pressure and to ask questions, questions that meet the abilities of Mr. Martin Amidu. As a panic reaction to please his payers and defend his unpaid large salary, Mr. Martin Amidu, using the media, aired a list in the public arena and rushed to file a lawsuit against his long-time opponent, Hon Mahama Ayariga, alleging tax charges. escape, etc., as if it were the GRA or customs. It is very unfortunate and a waste of precious time for the nation.

Mr. Martin Amidu, in his attempt to obtain the voters of Bawku Central, pursues another personal vendetta as part of the purchase of an ambulance worth 100,000 Ghs by the Bawku Municipal Assembly with funding of the Common Fund for Deputies to support the efforts made. promote the delivery of health services in Bawku.

In his pursuit of fault-seeking against Hon Mahama Ayariga, Mr. Martin Amidu sought flaws in the process of obtaining the ambulance, which was urgently needed to save lives in Bawku municipality .
As a result, Mr. Martin Amidu, in his capacity as Special Prosecutor, has since arrested and detained this ambulance in the past ten (10) months and continues to maintain it, thus insensitively depriving the population of Bawku of the services of that ambulance. ambulance supposed to help. save lives in Bawku and its surroundings. Is not it a naked insensitivity and nastiness arising from a malicious intent?

We will want to know what the people of Bawku have done exactly to Mr. Martin Amidu, so that he can treat them with such insensitivity.

We believe that he could have initiated his investigation while the ambulance was saving lives for the electorate, if only the health of the people of Bawku was a priority for the Special Prosecutor's Office.

We are disappointed with Mr. Amidu Burns Kaiser Amidu for his insensitivity and lack of respect towards the people of Bawku who have made him what he is and what he defends. This sudden insensitivity as a result of an old vendetta is unacceptable.

Does he know the number of lives lost due to his selfish parish interest that led him to detain the ambulance in Bolgatanga on behalf of an "investigation" / fault search?

Our ancestors and soul spirits that we lost in Bawku due to lack of access to the ambulance will never forgive Mr. Martin Amidu.

Once again, the youth of Bawku and its surroundings will certainly revolt for it does not change attitude and behavior vis-à-vis the people of Bawku.
Long live Bawku
Long live the NDC

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