You're an outstanding leader – Cocoa farmers praise COCOBOD Boss


Company News of Friday, May 31, 2019



Joseph Boahene Aidoo Joseph Boahen Aidoo

Alhaji Alhbadan Bukari, National President of the Association of Cocoa, Coffee and Sheanut Producers of Ghana (COCOSHE), expressed his deep gratitude to the Ghana Cocoa Board's (COCOBOD) Chief Executive Officer. Hon. Joseph Boahen Aidoo, for his intelligent management of issues related to the well-being of cocoa farmers in Ghana.

He was very grateful for the new measures put in place by the head of COCOBOD to facilitate access to communication, and for the concerns of farmers to be taken into account quickly.

"Your treatment of farmers is exceptional," he said. "You are the only general manager to visit us. You recognize that without the cocoa producers, there is no COCOBOD. We thank you so much. "

Alhaji Alhbadan Bukari, who was also a member of the COCOBOD board of directors under the government of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), expressed himself as head of a delegation of large regional farmers who met l & # 39; Hon. Boahen Aidoo, Thursday, May 30, 2019.

"You are unique," said Alhaji Bukari, CEO of COCOBOD. "Keep doing what you do. What we are asking you is that the President and the Minister of Agriculture will continue to give you the opportunity to continue doing good work for them. "

"After our first visit, you came to meet us in Kumasi and we listened to our point of view. We are very grateful. "

The national president of COCOSHE said that the country would benefit enormously if he had more people like the boss of COCOBOD, who put his knowledge and wisdom at the service of his country. "We thank you for the good work you do for Ghana. You have put your knowledge and your wisdom at the service of your country and for that, God will bless you. "

Alhaji Bukari said that the hard work undertaken by the President of COCOBOD since his appointment to the post is sufficiently substantiated by the evidence, which explains why he and his delegation of country chiefs express their deep gratitude.

"All of us here are representatives of cocoa farmers across the country who appreciate your good work. We are not interested in politics but in the material evidence of your work. "

"When you went to open the Sheanut Office in Tamale, for the three northern regions, you all called us to participate in its official opening. In the meantime, when someone has a problem to bring to your attention, just report it to the office now and the message reaches you. We thank you."

"Beyond that, you went to Bole and we also appreciate what you did there. The measures you have put in place to help farmers work. "

Thus, on behalf of all farmers, Alhaji Bukari said: "I would like to thank you and God bless you." We pray that you will receive the necessary support to implement your plans successfully.

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