A tourist infected with a parasite invading the brain after eating a slug on a challenge in Hawaii


Hawaii health officials warn residents and visitors to avoid slugs, snails and rats after the Center for Disease Control (CDC) found that three travelers visiting the state had recently been infected by lungworm disease in rats. A visitor caught the disease because the individual ate a slug.

The notice, released last week, recommends people inspect products and wash fruits and vegetables that may contain small slugs or snails. These gastropods catch the rat lungworm parasite (also known as Angiostrongylus infection) by eating rat feces, while the rats eat infected slugs and snails, thus forming a continuous vile circle. . Sometimes humans get caught eating an uncooked snail. Once the parasite has infected a host, it can move to the brain, cause a type of meningitis and possibly lead to death. According to the CDC, there is no treatment for rat lungworm disease.

The recent opinion from the Hawaii Department of Health states that it informs travelers who visit Hawaii of the disease through signage, but recognizes that it must do better. "We recognize that there is still much to be done to educate residents and visitors and to ensure that they know how to prevent the spread of this disease," reads the report.

Yes, it is clear that there is still work to be done, because one of the recent cases occurred because a traveler swallowed a damn slug. According to the state's health warning, the individual "was infected by deliberately eating a slug at a challenge".

This person was infected with rat lungworm in December 2018, bringing to 10 the official number of Hawaii cases for this year. The state has found 17 confirmed cases in 2017. So far this year, there have been five confirmed cases in Hawaii. Prior to 2017, there were only two documented cases in the state for two decades.

In 2017, scientists have also found traces of the parasite in Florida. Research shows that the parasite could spread through climate change, with subtropical gastropods able to thrive in the Americas.

If the rat lung worm reaches your condition, be careful with your products and avoid eating raw slugs.

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