Pirogues or dams? NDC wants that probe amidu


The NDC urged Mr. Martin Amidu to convince all those guilty of having dissipated our scarce resources devoted to these projects.

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The regional branch of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) of the Upper East East has asked Mr. Martin Alamisi Amidu, special prosecutor, to open a criminal investigation into the construction of "canoes under the guise of One- Village, One Dam (1V1D) ».

The party launched the appeal Thursday at a press conference by its regional communications officer, Ahmed Saeed Tijani, in Zaurungu, in the Bolgatanga East District.

According to him, the contractor responsible for the canoe Zuarungu Gono recently revealed in a radio interview in Zuarungu that the amount of his contract amounted to 250,000 ¢.

"At the same time, other subcontractors of similar projects also reported an amount of 240,000 ¢. With these large disparities in the cost of a canoe, one can not escape the conclusion that these contracts lack transparency and are grossly inflated. "

"The fact is that the 40 supposed" dams "that are in progress are canoes, but not dams, and that these canoes were built sloppily, which resulted in some cases of child deaths due to defects. engineering.

"For example, in the district of Bongo where this initiative was launched, about eight" canoes "were made, including those of Kulingu, Ayopea, Feo, among others. As we speak, they have already claimed four innocent lives in Bongo District, "said Tijani.

The communications officer said that the "Bolga-Soe" dugout whose banks were washed away by a two-hour rain on April 25 of this year caused three deaths in less than a month after its construction "poor".

He added that the district of Kbadena-Nankana West, which was also awarded 10 "dams, had its share of" poor quality work ".

Mr. Tijani said that a dam in Kajelo, a village near Navrongo, had been drained from its shores on April 25, after a few hours of rain, while other villages such as Sakaa, Kasugu, Kuliya, Katiu and Kayoro did not have water in their canoes. "

He said the East Bolgatanga District had three of the 1V1D projects in Zuarungu, Gono, Kunkua and Dacheo, and noted that Dacheo's "canoe" had recently seen its banks cleaned after several hours of rain.

The NDC urged Mr. Amidu to "reserve all those guilty of dissipating our scarce resources for these projects."

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