The worsening of symptoms in patients may be only a sign of caffeine withdrawal or nicotine, warn doctors


The worsening of symptoms in intensive care patients may be only a sign of withdrawal from caffeine or nicotine and do not justify expensive tests, warn doctors

  • Eating coffee and cigarettes in cold dark can make people sicker
  • Symptoms include nausea, headache and can last for two weeks
  • Physicians can ask for exams or x-rays in case of life-threatening illness
  • An examination revealed that smokers are more agitated, which can affect their treatment

By Vanessa Chalmers Health Journalist for Mailonline

Published on: 18:01 EDT, May 31, 2019 | Update: 7:52 pm EDT May 31, 2019

Researchers fear that withdrawal of caffeine and nicotine will be confused in intensive care patients for more sinister conditions.

They said that doctors may be wasting time and money by sending additional patients foolish for additional tests as they get worse.

Abandonment of nicotine and caffeine can cause tremors and nausea – symptoms that can mimic life-threatening diseases such as meningitis.

Bulgarian scientists said that whenever patients are expelled for unnecessary tests, they risk being damaged.

Researchers at Queen Giovanna University Hospital in Bulgaria examined 12 intensive care patient studies involving nearly 500 adults.

Doctors waste time and money by sending screening tests to patients suffering from caffeine and nicotine withdrawal, doctors warn

Doctors waste time and money by sending screening tests to patients suffering from caffeine and nicotine withdrawal, doctors warn

The results showed that short-term withdrawal of nicotine significantly increased agitation in patients.

In total, 64% of smokers who have failed to get nicotine are agitated, compared to 32% of non-smokers.

This is a concern as treatment may become more difficult – the number of tracheal and intravenous displacements caused by agitation in ICU patients was 14% for smokers and 3% for non-smokers. -fumeurs.

Intravenous lines administer liquids or medications by inserting through the skin and into the vein. A tracheal tube helps ventilate the lungs.

Giving patients a nicotine substitution in the form of things such as chewing gum or stamps does not seem to help.


Nicotine, the addictive substance in cigarettes, alters the balance of chemical messengers in their brains when they are used for a long time.

When a person stops consuming nicotine quickly, it disrupts this chemical balance and undergoes physical and psychological side effects that are difficult to manage when trying to quit smoking.

Smokers complain of headaches, sweating, tremors, increased hunger and difficulty concentrating, for example. Their desires can leave them feeling anxious and in a bad mood.

Caffeine is not addictive, but people can become addicted.

The stimulant increases the release of stress hormones and adrenaline that give you a boost of energy. But the surge does not last long, that's why people will quickly look for another cup.

They will then enter a caffeine craving cycle to "wake up" them from collisions.

Reducing can cause headaches, fatigue, irritability, anxiety and low concentration.

Some nicotine addicts have responded well with fewer headaches, but others have developed delusions, including serious confusion and disorientation.

According to the study, this can extend stays in the hospital and is linked to an increase in the mortality rate in intensive care.

Lead author Dr. Maya Belitova said, "Nicotine and caffeine are some of the most commonly used and addictive substances in modern society.

"But they are often overlooked as a potential source of significant withdrawal symptoms during a sudden interruption of treatment in intensive care units.

"The symptoms resemble conditions such as meningitis, encephalitis and intracranial hemorrhage.

"This can confuse clinical diagnoses and lead to unnecessary tests that can harm the patient, cost a lot of money and waste time."

She added: & # 39;[Some] Critical care patients can benefit from nicotine replacement or caffeine supplementation.

"But with little evidence of their effectiveness, this should be left to the discretion of the treating physicians."

She said future research should focus on how withdrawal of caffeine leads to agitation and what treatment options are available.

The symptoms of sudden withdrawal of caffeine and nicotine, including vomiting and delirium, can last up to two weeks.

According to the World Health Organization, Europe has the highest prevalence of adult smoking (28%).

According to researchers, half of the population drinks coffee, but the official figures are not clear.

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