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Jose Mourinho says he's "felt caged" in England

Former Manchester United coach Jose Mourinho said he felt trapped in English football because he was not allowed to express his point of view on the match officials.

"I have lived in England most of those years (the 15 years since he left Portugal)," said Mourinho. Eleven sports.

"I also spent a few years in Spain, where we walked in the same habitat. Italy not so much. Italy really likes the game, the tactics. I usually have people talking about it, more controversial, less controversial, more aggressive, less aggressive, but they are people of great credibility and you have big names in football to discuss football.

"But in England it's day and night. For example, I sometimes felt almost caged because you can not even comment on the referee before the match. I was punished and well punished for pre-game statements such as: "I hope the referee is doing very well, he is resisting the pressure exerted by Anfield Road and he has an excellent performance ". This is forbidden This is considered inducing somehow the referee, putting some kind of pressure on him.

"Even speaking well of the referee, as I did, I was punished. In Portugal, you tell the referees what you want, before the match, during and after the match, you are punished with small ridiculous fines. Impunity is total. And we only speak at this level. And then, of course, we are a country that should like that.

"The kind of TV shows that exist in Portugal and that exist simultaneously in three, four, five different channels and that are repeated from Monday to Sunday and that survive, it's because the Portuguese like that." So maybe we have the football we want to have. "

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