WHO says polio program in Pakistan is no longer on track – Pakistan


Last updated on June 1, 2019 8:40 p.m.

WHO has expressed concern over attacks against vaccinators and the police that accompanied them.

ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) – The World Health Organization (WHO) Emergency Committee on International Health Regulations (IHR) said the polio eradication program in Pakistan was no longer on track.

The Emergency Committee reviewed data on wild poliovirus (WPV1) and the implementation of WHO's temporary recommendations in Afghanistan, DR Congo, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Pakistan. Somalia.

With regard to Pakistan, the Committee was "seriously concerned by the sharp increase in cases of WPV1 worldwide this year, particularly in Pakistan".

He adds that in the country, the transmission of the virus continues to be widespread and that a recent "case cluster in Lahore also indicates that vulnerabilities still exist outside of high-risk corridors". The committee also expressed concern over attacks against vaccinators and the police accompanying them.

"The increasing refusal of individuals and communities to accept vaccination must also be actively taken into account. While the committee understands that the recent elections and the political transition may have affected the implementation of the polio program, it is now essential that the new government resume its efforts, noting that the program has not been implemented. Eradication in the country is no longer on track. "

The Committee unanimously agreed that the risk of international spread of poliovirus remained a public health emergency. He noted that "the progress made in recent years seems to be reversing," as indicated by the increasing number of cases of WPV1 in Pakistan, the increasing proportion of positive environmental samples for WPV1 in Afghanistan and Pakistan and growing resistance to polio programs.

It also recommended that the above-mentioned countries ensure that all residents aged between four weeks and 12 months receive a dose of oral vaccine prior to their international journey. In addition, travelers will receive an international certificate of vaccination.

A total of 20 cases have been recorded in Pakistan this year so far.

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