New breast cancer drug increases survival rates by 30%


A new form of medication dramatically improves the survival rates of young women with the most prevalent bad cancer, researchers said Saturday citing the results of an international clinical trial.

The findings, presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago, showed that the addition of a drug called cyclin inhibitor increased survival rates to 70%.

The mortality rate was 29% lower than that with placebo.

Lead author, Sara Hurvitz, told AFP that her study focused on hormone receptor-positive bad cancer, which accounts for two-thirds of all bad cancer cases among younger women .

"You can actually get a synergy or a better response, better kill cancer, by adding one of those cell cycle inhibitors" in addition to the removal of hormones, Hurvitz said.

The treatment is less toxic than traditional chemotherapy because it more selectively targets cancer cells, blocking their ability to multiply.

The trial, which involved more than 670 cases, included only women under 59 years old with advanced stage 4 cancer for whom they had not been treated. not yet received blocking hormone therapy.

"These are patients who tend to be diagnosed later, later in their illness, because we do not have optimal screening modalities for young women," Hurvitz said.

"That's what makes us so excited, because it's a therapy that affects many patients with advanced disease."

Oncologist Harold Burstein, who did not participate in the research, said it was "an important study" after establishing that the use of cyclin inhibitors "resulted in a significant benefit for women's survival".

Burstein works for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.

The research received funding from Novartis Pharmaceuticals.

"Hopefully, this data will enable more women around the world to access this product, particularly in health systems that value value rigorously as part of their national access decisions." drugs, "added Burstein.


Last updated: Saturday, June 1st, 2019 KSA 22h08 – GMT 19h08

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