Common Cat Diseases – Manila Standard


Common diseases of the catCat diseases are not easy to treat, as I have discovered in the last six years, saving newborn kittens and very sick cats on the street.

There are new developments in the field of research to provide proper care and even cure deadly diseases in dogs, but it seems that this is not the case for cats.

Common diseases of the cat

Recently, for example, it has been reported that research in progress in another country may have provided information on cancer prevention in dogs. But there was no mention of cats.

To prevent diseases in cats, there are two important but SIMPLE ways according to the Humane Society of United States (THSUS) in the section "Prevention of Common Cat Diseases" on the RFDTV website:

1. Keep your cat inside.

2. Vaccinate your cat by following the advice of your veterinarian.

Common feline diseases

1. Upper respiratory tract infections (URI).

URIs are very similar to colds in humans.

The symptoms are almost the same: sneezing, runny nose and eyes, red eyes, fever and loss of appetite.

"But URIs can be much more serious than colds – they can be fatal if they are not treated. These airborne viruses are extremely contagious. they can be pbaded on to cats through human manipulation and through contact with other cats and with inanimate objects such as bedding, food bowls and grooming tools, "said THSUS.

It is also important to separate a new cat from your other cats for at least three weeks until you are certain that it does not show any URI symptoms.

"Prevention is the best approach for URIs: vaccinate your cat. But if your cat has cold-like symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately. The veterinarian will probably prescribe antibiotics to prevent secondary infections and give you specific care instructions. Follow them carefully and make sure your cat is eating and drinking enough, "said THSUS.

2. Rage.

All cats, including indoor cats, must be vaccinated against rabies. This is given every year.

THSUS stated that rabies "is now more common in cats than in any other domestic animal. Rabies is a viral disease transmitted by bites of infected animals and attacking the nervous system. If your cat bites someone, you may need to show proof of anti-rabies vaccination. "

"Rabies is a deadly disease. Prevent rabies through vaccination and keep your cat inside, "added THSUS.

3. Feline Panleukopenia.

This is also known as feline berry disease. It is a highly contagious viral disease that can be transmitted from humans to cats through clothing, hair and hands, from cats to cats through the legs, food bowls and even cat bearers.

The symptoms are vomiting, loss of appetite and diarrhea.

Get your cat vaccinated against this virus.

4. Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV).

FeLV is also a deadly infectious virus.

It attacks the immune system and can cause many forms of cancer and other related diseases.

Transmission occurs through saliva, urine and feces of infected cats.

"There is no link between feline leukemia and human forms of leukemia," said THSUS.

"There are blood tests to determine if your cat is carrying the virus. Your cat should be tested before being vaccinated. In the absence of curative treatment, it is important to keep your cat indoors (and away from contact with stray cats) and vaccinate him, "said THSUS.

5. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV).

IVF is the equivalent of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

"But it's not the same virus and can not be pbaded on to humans," said THSUS.

He added, "This fatal virus attacks the immune system, causing various symptoms. General signs may include unrelated chronic infections; respiratory problems; loss of appetite; persistent diarrhea; and serious mouth infections. IVF is transmitted from cat to cat mainly by bites. There is currently no vaccine or cure for IVF. "

To protect your cat from IVF, keep your cat inside the house.

6. Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP).

PIF is also a deadly viral infection.

"This virus can take two forms, commonly called wet (which involves a liquid in the abdomen) and dry (which is not the case). Both forms of FIP can cause fever, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite, "said THSUS.

A blood test is done to determine if your cat has been exposed to this family of viruses, but according to THSUS, it is an antibody test that does not allow to establish a definitive diagnosis.

Common diseases of the cat

"There is no effective treatment for FIP, but there is hope for prevention in the form of newly developed vaccines. The best prevention is to keep your cat inside, up to date vaccines and away from strange animals, "said THSUS.

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