Amazon would have fallen under the antitrust supervision of the FTC


Amazon would be under the jurisdiction of the Federal Trade Commission as a result of an agreement between the FTC and the Justice Ministry, the newspaper reports The Washington Post. This decision could lead to increased surveillance of the retail giant just after the DOJ prepares its own complaint against Google.

the To post claims that the FTC's plans for Amazon are not immediately clear, but points out that this "type of agreement between the Department of Justice and the FTC suggests a more serious antitrust review". To post We have not received any comments from Amazon, the Department of Justice or the FTC about the news, she spoke to former FTC President Maureen Ohlhausen, who said that if such discussions were in progress, study or investigation. "

The news was announced Friday night after the Justice Department prepares an antitrust investigation into Google's search activities. These reports indicated that the FTC had opened its own investigation against Google in 2011 (resulting in a civil penalty) and in 2013 (closed) and would take second place in front of the Ministry of Justice.

Calls for increased scrutiny of business practices of the country's leading technology companies have steadily increased over the past year – European regulators and prominent Democratic presidential candidates have pleaded in favor of the dissolution of companies such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, citing their great influence on the market and their commercial practices. In February, the FTC set up a new task force to investigate the anti-competitive behavior of tech giants in the US technology sector, while also considering a multi-billion dollar fine. dollars to Facebook for its privacy practices.

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