13 Singaporean students contract fever in Chikungunya during a trip to a Thai village | World


Chikungunya is an infectious disease transmitted by the same mosquito as the Zika virus and the dengue virus, the Aedes aegypti mosquito. - AFP photo
Chikungunya is an infectious disease transmitted by the same mosquito as the Zika virus and the dengue virus, the Aedes aegypti mosquito. – AFP photo

SINGAPORE, June 3 (Xinhua) – Thirteen students and an art school teacher (Sota) caught chikungunya fever during a community trip to a village in Ratchaburi province, Thailand, last week .

Six students remain hospitalized in Bangkok as of today, the school said in a statement.

Chikungunya is an infectious disease transmitted by the same mosquito as the Zika virus and the dengue virus, the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Symptoms may include sudden fever, prolonged joint and muscle pain, swelling of the joints, fatigue and rashes, among others.

The condition is not as serious as dengue fever, however.

In a statement to TODAY HUI today, Sota Director Mary Seah said that in addition to the six students "convalescing" at the hospital, another 19 students on the same trip – which had to be interrupted because of the incident – have returned to Singapore.

"Our school was primarily focused on the well-being of our students and teachers, so we made every effort to ensure that they receive medical care and return to their families as soon as possible." "she said.

Noting that Sota teachers are still stationed in Thailand to monitor the conditions of the remaining students, she added: "Parents have been kept informed of all developments along the way and we are very grateful for their support and their encouragement to staff and students. "

The incident was reported for the first time by the Straits time yesterday. Students aged 15 to 17 participated in a learning trip between May 25 and June 4.

According to the Ministry of Health's latest weekly infectious disease bulletin published on May 29, nine cases of chikungunya were diagnosed here in the first 21 weeks of 2019. There have been only two cases in the same period of time. last year.

The last case reported here occurred in the week of April 21 to 27.

TODAY HUI contacted the Ministry of Health to share his comments. – TODAY & # 39; HUI

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