Donald Trump meets the Queen at the start of his official visit to the United Kingdom | American News


Donald Trump entered Buckingham Palace aboard Marine One on Monday morning, while conservative contenders were preparing for presidential interventions in the race.

US President and First Lady Melania Trump landed on the Queen's lawn in their helicopter for a complete tour of British bells and whistles, including two 41-gun salute, honor guard and banquet .

There was even a wall – the one high that encloses the gardens of Buckingham Palace – that had been used to remove Trump from the public at the beginning of his three-day visit. Most of these visits would be in camera and away from the planned program. events.

Travel advantages

When Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, arrive on a state visit to the UK on June 3, they will be joined by the four grown children of the president and their wife. Here is who is in the family circle:

Ivanka Trump

Ivanka is Trump's eldest daughter and works at the White House (unpaid) as an advisor to the president. Trump is often relied on for diplomacy abroad, including briefly replacing him at the G20 summit. He said that he had considered appointing her to head the World Bank. She traveled to Ethiopia and Côte d'Ivoire on behalf of the administration to promote women's rights. Prior to his father's presidency, Trump ran his own fashion line.

Jared Kushner

Trump's son-in-law is a senior adviser to the White House and the administration's envoy to the Middle East (also unpaid). With his wife Ivanka, he has also been the subject of much controversy – a whistleblower claiming to have secured sensitive security clearances for the objections of career security experts. He has also been accused of conflict of interest over his family's vast estate empire. Kushner wears many hats in Washington. He is supposed to propose a peace plan for the Middle East, as well as a US immigration policy.

Donald Trump Jr

Trump's eldest son and his brother, Eric, run their father's business empire while at the White House. Officially, Trump Jr is executive vice president of the Trump organization. It was Trump Jr who met a Russian lawyer at an infamous meeting at Trump Tower in New York in 2016, after Russia offered to "mess" the election against Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Kushner was also present. Although it is illegal to accept campaign aid from foreign nationals, special advocate Robert Mueller said after an investigation that there was not enough evidence to prove that the meeting participants knew that they were breaking the law. Trump Jr could be accompanied by his girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, a former Fox News host.

Eric Trump

Eric Trump is the co-leader of the Trump organization during his father's presidency. He defended his father's accusations of racism and called the detractors of the president "not even people". He is parodied in the satirical American weekly satirical show Saturday Night Live and elsewhere as not so sharp brother Trump, although his supporters consider this portrayal as inaccurate. More recently, a monitoring group insisted on knowing how much it cost taxpayers when Eric and members of one of the family's golf clubs traveled to Scotland to play the links.

Lara Trump

Lara Trump is a campaign advisor for Donald Trump's re-election campaign and Eric's wife. As a vocal advocate for her father-in-law, she recently made the headlines, stating that the decision to let a large number of migrants flee from war-torn countries and poverty for Europe was "the only way out". one of the worst things that has happened in Germany ".

Tiffany Trump

Tiffany is the lowest profile of Trump's adult children and his only son with his second wife, Marla Maples. She went to London before the rest of her family. Aged 25, he is a graduate student at Georgetown Law in Washington DC. She went to the Cannes Film Festival earlier this month with her wealthy friend, a trip that drew attention to her cost to taxpayers in terms of security for the presidential girl.

Due to security concerns, the welcome ceremonies were held on the palace lawn instead of the nearby Horse Guards parade. There was therefore no carriage ride, so there was no risk of reiterating the welcome given to Chinese President Xi Jinping, who led the glove of the mbad demonstrations along the shopping center.

Marine One arrives for the welcome ceremony at Buckingham Palace.

Marine One arrives for the welcome ceremony at Buckingham Palace. Photo: Niklas Halle'n / AFP / Getty Images

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall hailed the presidential couple. The Trumps then walked together to meet the queen who was waiting for her on the steps of the palace. The first lady did a great job of ventilating the lawn with her stiletto heels.

Accompanied by Prince Charles and a mix of American melodies played by the Grenadier Guards fanfare, the president then inspected the guard of honor of the Nijmegen Company Grenadier Guards. His daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, attended the ceremony from the balcony of the palace.

Earlier, Air Force One had landed at Stansted Airport, where Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt had met with the President. Immediately after the landing, Trump embarked on an attack on Twitter against London Mayor Sadiq Khan. He tweeted that Khan was a "crazy loser" in response to Khan's critical article in Sunday's Observer. The mayor described Trump's remarks as childish insults under the president's office.

The long-delayed state visit is the 113th organized by the Queen and is a meeting between two dynasties, an old and a young. Away from the protocol, Trump combines the official visit with a family getaway, which would have brought four of his five children: Ivanka, Donald Jr, Eric and Tiffany.

An upgrade during his previous "work visit", where he had tea with the queen, he now receives his long-desired white tie and diadem feast. About 170 guests with cultural, diplomatic and economic ties to the United States will join trumpets and royals in the Grand Ballroom at Buckingham Palace, for silver-gilded dinner of the great service done for George IV. Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn and Liberal Democrat Leader Sir Vince Cable both refused to attend.

Donald Trump inspects a guard of honor at Buckingham Palace.

Donald Trump inspects a guard of honor at Buckingham Palace. Photography: Toby Melville / Reuters

The controversial visit, offered hastily by Theresa May after the inauguration of Trump, puts an end to the curtain on his position as prime minister.

Conservative presidential candidate Boris Johnson and Brexit party leader Nigel Farage are expected to attend Trump's return banquet on Tuesday at the US ambbadador's residence in London. During the pre-visit interviews, Trump did not try to hide his admiration for both men. In another diplomatic blunder, he also claimed that other leadership candidates had sought his approval.

In the context of a huge security operation, the public has little opportunity to see the president who goes by helicopter to most sites for engagements held behind closed doors.

Prior to his visit, he had publicly criticized May's behavior regarding Brexit and it is likely that he will be heard about Huawei.

The royal family will undoubtedly put pressure on all the diplomatic nerves.

After arriving in the UK with Air Force One the Monday 3rd juneUS President Donald Trump will be officially welcomed at a ceremony in the gardens of Buckingham Palace. The Queen and Prince Charles will attend. The president will then attend a private luncheon at the palace, which should be attended by Prince Harry, but not his wife, whom Trump recently called "nasty".

After a wreath laying ceremony at Westminster Abbey, Donald Trump will join Prince Charles for an afternoon tea at Clarence House. The Queen, Prince Charles and Prince Harry will then hold a state banquet in the evening, which will be attended by prominent US citizens living in the UK, as well as political and civic leaders.

Sure Tuesday June 4th the tour includes a breakfast with Prince Andrew, followed by talks and a press conference with Premier Theresa May at Downing Street. On Tuesday night, Trump hosts a dinner at the residence of the US ambbadador.

Sure Wednesday June 5th Trump will participate in commemoration services in Portsmouth to mark the 75th anniversary of the landing. The day ends with the official address of the Queen to the President of the United States.

Trump's entourage will also include two black armored limousines with seven identical seats, dubbed "The Beast", as well as several presidential helicopters. The president is still at his side one of five rotating military badistants who carry the nuclear "football" that can trigger a missile strike – equipped with communication tools and a book containing prepared war plans.

Photography: Jonathan Ernst / X90178

The queen had difficult guests during her 67-year reign. She hid behind a bush in the palace gardens after seeing the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu for a walk, in order to avoid spending more time with him than strictly necessary. But never before has she been forced to greet a guest whose tactless comments have been addressed so acutely to members of her family – especially to her female members.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, invited to the national banquet, will not have been impressed by Trump's tweet that Kate "only has to blame herself" when she was photographed sunbathing in a private villa in France. It is unlikely that Prince William forgets Trump's words in a radio interview just months after his mother's death that Diana, Princess of Wales, was "beautiful" but "crazy". The billionaire once said that he would have slept without hesitation on Diana and bombarded her with bouquets, considering her as "the ultimate trophy woman," according to reporter Selina Scott.

And, although Trump can indulge himself with a monarch and two future kings, it's not quite a royal flush. The Duchess of Susbad, a virulent critic who once called him "misogynist" and "divisive," is conveniently on maternity leave and should not meet him. Trump's misguided retaliation on the eve of the visit, in which he described his remarks as "nasty", will, however, put an end to his meeting with Prince Harry at the Royals' private luncheon at Buckingham Palace.

Donald Trump and the Prince of Wales.

Donald Trump and the Prince of Wales. Photography: Victoria Jones / PA

The tea at Clarence House still has the potential to be tested, given the respective views of Prince Charles and Trump on the climate crisis. The prince called it "the wolf at the door", while Trump called it a "Chinese hoax" and "bullshit".

A visit to Westminster Abbey, with the Duke of York, to lay a wreath on the tomb of the unknown warrior, will facilitate the discussions, since both men are huge golf enthusiasts.

And there is a respite for the royal family. Renovations at Buckingham Palace mean there is no housing available for the President and the First Lady. They will remain at the residence of the United States Ambbadador at Regents Park in London.

Itinerary Trump

Downing Street has announced new details of Monday's itinerary, including the fact that May will give the US president a private tour of Church War Rooms after Tuesday's lunch, accompanied by historians.

May and her husband, Philip, will welcome the president and the first lady to Downing Street on Tuesday.

Then there will be a meeting in the cabinet room where the chair and the prime minister will be accompanied by their delegations. On the British side, this will include Hunt, a Conservative leadership candidate.

When asked if the President had preferred not to meet face-to-face with the Prime Minister, May's spokeswoman said, "I'm sure the answer to this question is no. "

The spokesman also dismissed Trump's outspoken criticism of how the Brexit had been managed, saying May had "worked as hard as possible to get the best deal possible for the UK".

He added that his successor should accept the president's suggestion to give Farage a role in the negotiations. "The next phase of Brexit negotiations will be led by someone else, not by the prime minister," he said.

On Tuesday afternoon, Philip May and Melania Trump will host a garden party at Downing Street for the US Embbady staff and No. 10.

The visit will end on Wednesday when Trump will join the Queen for 75th Anniversary commemorations in Portsmouth.

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