Coffee may not be as risky for heart health as previous research has indicated a new study. The research comes from Queen Mary University, where researchers examined daily coffee consumption – in some cases up to 25 cups a day – and came to a rebaduring conclusion, at least with respect to arterial rigidity . The study involved more than 8,000 adults.
Some previous studies have shown a possible link between drinking coffee and developing stiffer arteries, which increases the risk of stroke or heart attack. The research is part of a larger ensemble of studies that have badyzed various aspects of the extremely popular drink that, for many people, is part of a daily ritual.
According to the new study, studies linking arterial stiffness and coffee consumption may have been biased by fewer participants. The researchers identified factors that could potentially influence arterial stiffness, including smoking, alcohol consumption, and other known risk factors.
The study participants consumed an average of 5 cups of coffee a day – in the lower part of the spectrum, they drank less than a cup a day, and at the other end, they drank up to 25 cups a day. per day. Despite this, the study did not find any link between the more rigid arteries, indicating that previous studies may have malfunctioned.
The researchers noted that participants in the "moderate" and "high" categories of consumption were more likely to be men, and were also more likely to drink regularly and smoke cigarettes.
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