Coffee may not be as bad for our heart as we think


A study from Queen Mary University in London, published June 3, showed that coffee drinkers may not run as high risk of stiff arteries.


Even caffeine lovers who drink up to 25 cups of coffee a day can be in the clear, as shown in the study.

The research, led by Professor Steffen Petersen and partially funded by the British Heart Foundation, was presented at the British Cardiovascular Society in Manchester this week.

The danger badociated with stiff arteries, which coffee was supposed to induce until now, is that once they stiffen, the heart has to work harder to pump blood around our body and the risk of heart attack. or stroke are increased.

The work of the arteries is to carry blood containing oxygen and nutrients from our heart to the rest of our body. A big job, so naturally closely watched, especially if a product such as coffee can be considered a reason to increase heart and circulatory problems.

How did the researchers test this new theory?

To ensure proper badysis, the researchers studied more than 8,000 participants in the UK. According to the researchers, this high number of people is explained by the fact that previous studies used fewer people and gave rise to inconsistent results: some people thought that the arteries hardened under the effect of consumption. coffee and other no.

Within the group of 8,000 participants, three subgroups were created and monitored to ensure a clearer result:

1) Those who drink less than a cup of coffee a day.

2) Those who consume between one and three cups a day.

3) Those who drink more than three cups a day.

People who drink more than 25 cups of coffee a day were excluded from the study. However, there was no difference in arterial stiffness between this group of heavy coffee drinkers and those who drank less than a cup a day.

In addition, measures have been taken and corrected age, gender, ethnicity, smoking, height, weight, alcohol consumption, what they ate and high blood pressure. Indeed, all of these reasons can create arterial stiffness without drinking coffee.

Of the 8,421 people in the study who had MRIs of the heart and infrared pulse waves, men were the dominant group of moderate to heavy coffee drinkers, smokers and heavy drinkers. .

Coffee drinkers are rebadured, your arteries may well filter.

Prof. Metin Avkiran, Assistant Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation, said, "Researchers and the media have long been working to understand the impact of coffee on our heart and circulatory system.

"There are many conflicting studies on coffee, and it can be difficult to filter what we should believe and what we should not. Hopefully this research will put some of the media stories in perspective because it eliminates one of the potential adverse effects of coffee on our arteries. "

Lift your cups of Joe and drink a hearty sip.

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