Google launches a $ 1.7 billion appeal for antitrust in the EU – TechCrunch


Like on wheels, Google has filed a lawsuit against the antitrust sanction of 1.49 billion euros ($ 1.7 billion) that the European Commission imposed three months ago on its brokerage firm in search ads.

The Telegraph announced last night that the appeal had been filed in the European Union court in Brussels.

A Google spokesman confirmed that the appeal had been filed but declined to comment further.

A spokesman for the Commission asked us: "The Commission will defend its decision in court".

The AdSense antitrust decision is the third fine imposed on Google under the head of the Commission's antitrust Commission, Margrethe Vestager. – which also imposed a $ 5 billion fine on anti-competitive behavior related to Android last summer; $ 2.0 billion in antitrust violations imposed by Google Shopping in mid-2017.

Google is appealing the two previous sanctions but has also changed its way of operating Google Shopping and Android in Europe, in order to avoid the risk of additional penalties.

In the case of AdSense, the Commission found that between 2006 and 2016, Google had included restrictive clauses in its contracts with major sites using its advertising platform, which, according to Vestager, could not be considered only as an intention to keep its competitors out of the market.

The restrictions included exclusivity provisions and premium ad placement requirements that gave priority to Google ads and accurate positioning on the "most visible and profitable parts of the page". Another illegal clause defines how partner websites can display competing search ads.

The restrictions were removed by Google only when the Commission issued its official statement of objections in 2016, marking the start of a thorough review.

In addition to the € 1.49 billion sanction imposed on Google for AdSense antitrust infringements, the Commission 's enforcement decision requires Google not to include in its contracts any other "no" restrictions. equivalent effect ", as well as not to restore the earlier rights. unfair terms.

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