NDC Youth Commit Again for June 4 Principles


Policy of Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Source: ghananewsagency.org


Eric Edem Agbana .jpeg Edem Agbana, NDC's Deputy National Youth Organizer

The youth wing of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), is again committed to the principles and ideas of the revolution of 4 June 1979.

Mr. Edem Agbana, NDC's National Deputy Organizer for Youth, said the youth wing was making a solemn commitment not to lose the values ​​of the revolution.

"We will stand up to count and, when necessary, we will be happy to defend our values," Agbana said on Tuesday during the 40th anniversary parade and wreath laying of his June 4 Revolution in Nungua, Accra.

The event on the theme "Developing a National Character for Sustainable Good Governance" was chaired by former President Jerry John Rawlings.

There were leaders of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) such as the National President, Mr. Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo, Mr. Johnson Asiedu-Nketia, Secretary General and Mr. Huudu Yahaya, former Secretary General of the party.

Others included current and former members of the NDC Parliament, former state ministers, revolutionary cadres and party infantrymen.

Agbana said the historic uprising of 4 June was a great hope for the majority of Ghanaians who had been burned by devastating injustice, corruption, bad governance, naked nepotism and even more perverse destruction. of our moral fiber. a country.

He noted that the national jubilation on the eve of the June 4 revolution was irrefutable proof that it was a daybreak ending long nights of suffering and repression.

"But 40 years later, we can not build a precise account of our beautiful country without mentioning the same trends that the revolution of 4 June was facing," he said.

"Our country is still miserably chained by corruption (perhaps even more prevalent now), nepotism, inaptitude and repressive governance."

Mr. Agbana said that political and economic injustice was still widespread and that part of the population was still living in abject poverty.

"These are scars on our conscience and we must take collective responsibility for our failure to support the ideals of the revolution," he said.

He said the June 4 revolution had been successful in 1979 because the Ghanaian people of the day were justifiably angry at the repulsive attitude of the ruling clbad. It was not just the tact and courage of the soldiers; it is the unshakable strength of popular power that has conquered the power of the people in power.

He said he was confident that the next NDC-led government from 2021 would restore confidence in political leadership.

"It's a question of moral and political obligation; it is the only way to maintain our democracy, "he said.

"As NDC youth, we want to help develop a national character for sustainable development and I am pleased to announce that NDC youth, who support your tree planting exercise, will soon begin a revolution. who will see the planting of trees. in parts of our country and will count on your support. "

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