How two women were robbed in the "rambo" way between the police checkpoints in Winneba


Crime & Punishment of Wednesday, June 5th, 2019



Silhouette Armed Robbery 1 The ladies share the traumatic incident

Imagine having to suddenly meet a den of thieves who not only attack you, take your properties by force, shoot bullets and threaten all other motorists. As if that were not enough, you give up your car and resort to the bush for fear of being raped.

Here is the story of two brothers and sisters, Joana Maame Besiwa and Josephine Annan-Dennis, who were tortured by armed robbers on the Winneba Road upon their return from Cape Coast.

Josephine, one of two people who went on Facebook to tell their story, revealed the most shocking part of the incident; the fact that the police arrived at the scene only after the end of the "presentation", although there are checkpoints at about five minutes and before the place of the flight.

By his narration;

"We left Saltpond at 19:30 and, as usual on this highway, we crossed about 6 police gates before arriving at the Winneba intersection. About a five-minute drive past the 7th Police Barrier, we saw only one "rambo" style action, a man jumping out of nowhere, firing two warning shots and ordering each car to stop. I immediately pulled up the windows of my car and slowed down because the car in front of me had stopped. A guy appeared to my front pbadenger side and tried to open the door but it was locked. He continued to force himself to open the door, even causing the car to shake and even tried to break the window. I became alarmed and rolled through the windows. The thief first asked for our cell phones and told me to turn off the headlights of my car. We gave him the phones and he asked us to bring the money. We told him there was no money, but he opened the door and chose my sister's handbag. I started collecting all the money I could find in the car and handed it to him. He ordered us out of the car and lie down, obediently obeyed. We started begging him not to shoot us "

"When the guy finished with our car, he joined his colleagues who were operating on the other 3 cars that were heading to Accra. When they had finished with the 4 cars, they ran to operate on the cars heading for Cape Coast / Takoradi / Elubo, while firing a few warning shots in between. As we lay on the floor, we could hear them shouting at other drivers and pbadengers, while asking them to separate from their valuables. In the heat of the moment, a thief asked a woman to "take off her bra". We were very scared and it was at that time that we decided to crawl into the bush for security reasons because we could not tell what would be their next line of action.

She also recounted how the police officers supposed to help them seemed rather indifferent and sometimes made fun of them when they managed to calm down and pbad through the police checkpoints that preceded them.

"Less than 5 minutes after departure, we arrived at another police checkpoint. In a state of confusion, I tried to interact with the policeman about the meeting that had just ended with the thieves. Their responses and their body language just told us they cared less about what was happening to us. We continued our journey and then met 4 policemen at the Budumburam checkpoint. We told them about his ordeal, but their posture and behavior made me lose hope. They were so nonchalant and even mocked us. I just cry in silence and continue. In my mind, I was wondering if it was the same Ghana I knew … .Our third meeting with another team of patrols was not a topic of writing at home ".

Read the full story below:

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