AI robots could play a big role in mental health care: Australian study – Xinhua


SYDNEY, June 6 (Xinhua) – Artificial robots (AI) capable of talking with people autonomously have an important role to play in the future of mental health, an expert team said Thursday. Australian.

Researchers at the Australian Center for Robotic Vision and the Queensland University of Technology believe that social robots have huge potential to help people with depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and of eating disorders.

By examining 27 global trials in which robots were used in psychological health interventions, the team concluded that more needed to be done to promote the medical use of social robots.

"The beauty of social robot interventions lies in the fact that they could help avoid the potential negative effects of a face-to-face therapy with a human health practitioner, such as perceived judgment or the stigma, "said co-author of the study, Dr. Nicole Robinson. .

"Robots can help support a self-guided program or health service by interacting with people to help them stay on their health goals," Robinson said.

Currently in the middle of a three-month study that is due to be completed in July, Robinson is also collaborating with SoftBank's Pepper robot to evaluate the effectiveness of individual health care interactions in where patients discuss their physical activity, food consumption, and alcohol consumption. and smoking rate.

"Our research is not intended to replace health professionals, but to identify treatment gaps where social robots can effectively help by involving patients to discuss sensitive topics and identify issues that may require attention." a health practitioner, "said Robinson.

"Practitioners can then focus on more satisfying and challenging work on a personal level, including their relationship with the client, improve and maintain motivation, collaboratively establish and plan goals, and address serious, complex or concomitant issues." added Mr. Robinson.

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