Milli Lucas, age 12, walks 48 hours after a rescue operation of brain cancer


The 12-year-old cancer patient of famous Australian surgeon Charlie Teo is standing up and walking less than 48 hours after undergoing surgery that saves the life of a malignant tumor.

Amelia Lucas, fondly nicknamed "Milli", has been fighting brain cancer for the last three years.

With the ultimate goal of saving his life, the Milli family turned to Dr. Teo, a renowned neurosurgeon, for a very risky operation for their beloved little girl.

The Australians donated more than $ 160,000 to the Perth family and Milli was airlifted to Sydney's Prince of Wales Hospital for surgery this week.

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while walking

Milli was up and walking 48 hours after the surgery. Photo provided

"And the little champion is in place and at home"

But less than 48 hours after undergoing a gigantic six-hour surgery on Monday, Milli stunned her family by walking down the halls of her hospital ward.

His mother, Monica Smirk, posted a video on Milli's Facebook page, Team Millstar, telling the phenomenal development of her followers.

"And the little champion is at the rendezvous," writes Mrs. Smirk.

"Walk so well and walk the halls."


When Milli did not respond to chemotherapy or radiation, her family decided to take extreme measures. Photo: Facebook

"Milli is well and is back in the room"

In the video, we can hear Mrs. Smirk tell her daughter "Smile, Mill!", Which causes a huge smile on the girl's face.

"Yipee!" Then said Smirk as Milli joined her.

Her incredible recovery comes just three days after her major surgery.

The updates were released soon after the Monday morning operation, letting Australians everywhere know "Milli is awake and in intensive care" and the operation was a success.

According to Ms. Smirk, Dr. Teo and her colleagues wore "Wish for Milli" scarves while they operated the little girl.

"Milli is well and is back in the room," she said.

hospital bed

Milli was diagnosed three years ago. Photo: Facebook

"My head is funny"

Only hours after Dr. Teo performed the life-saving operation, she was apparently awake, talking, and "smiling."

Perth Now reported that the girl's first words after her delicate brain surgery were: "My head is funny."

Despite the many procedural risks, Dr. Teo explained to Milli's family that she had easily navigated the operation.

Just hours after regaining consciousness, Milli requested that her catheter be removed that night "so that she could move and get up".

"She proves that she deserved this operation, thanks again to all," Smirk wrote on Facebook.

with surgeon

Dr. Teo praised the family's "brave decision" to attempt surgery. Photo: Facebook

"The family knows the risks"

Milli had a long and difficult journey after her diagnosis three years ago.

The doctors told his family that a surgical procedure consisting of removing the tumor sitting on his brain would be too difficult.

Instead, they recommended chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Finally, the doctors told Milli's parents that she was not responding to the treatment and transferred her to palliative care.

In a frantic attempt to save her life, Milli's family began to raise money for the services of a renowned brain surgeon, Dr. Teo.

Dr. Teo told The West Australian that the procedure did not go smoothly, but that the Lucas family "knew the risks".

Dr. Teo described her 12-year-old patient as "beautiful," "calm," and "brave."

"They (Milli's family) know it's not curable and could affect their quality of life, but they're just not ready to give up," said Dr. Teo.

"It's a very brave decision."

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