Leopard kills an infant in Kruger Park, South Africa


A leopard killed a two-year-old boy in the fenced compound of Kruger National Park in South Africa, officials said Thursday.

"The toddler was only 30 months old," said the park in a statement. "The boy was certified dead by the doctors at Shongwe Hospital after being taken there by family members."

The leopard attacked the boy on Wednesday night after entering the staff quarters, separated from the rest of the park by an electrified fence.

A team of rangers tracked down the leopard and shot him to avoid the risk of a rehearsal, said the park, adding that the big cat may have attacked him because he was too used to human contact. .

"In parks such as Kruger National Park (KNP), predators interact with tourists and staff, which can sometimes cause species like the leopard to get used to people and lose their fear," he said. explained the park.

"The change in natural behavior can then lead to unfortunate incidents such as this one."

KFN stated that the attacks were a danger to all staff and family members living and working in the park, but were very rare.

"This is the risk with which we live every day, as we help to conserve our species for the benefit of all," said Fundisile Mketeni, South African National Parks Officer, offering his condolences to the boy's family.

Kruger covers nearly two million hectares and is home to more than 500 species of birds and 147 species of mammals.

The attack took place near the Crocodile Bridge, a tourist rest camp located near the southern boundary of the park.

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