The movie X-Men vs. Fantastic Four would have almost arrived



He was inspired by the Marvel Civil War.

By Joshua Yehl

With the X-Men film franchise that sings its swan song with the release of Dark Phoenix, a report was published by THR which, in 2010, played with the idea of ​​making an X-Men movie against Fantastic Four.

According to "Secret Sources of THR", Fox was considering a cross-over movie of superheroes from the Civil War that pitted the children of the Atom to the first family of Marvel. The battle was going to be triggered by Johnny Storm when he accidentally dug a hole in Manhattan after being supernova while he was trying to capture the evil F4 Molecule Man, thus triggering the Superhero Registration Act in response to the devastation .

The heroes then split into two parts and clashed. The match between Wolverine and Mister Fantastic ended shockingly. As THR says, the hero-hero brawl ended with "Reed Richards immobilized Wolverine, extending his hands up to the width of a molecule, and having used them as scissors to cut them off." mutant arm ".

They would push back, right?

The film would have ended with heroes making peace and a post-generic scene teasing an invasion of Skrull (yes, the metamorphs presented in Captain Marvel).

Apparently Fox had called on X-Men: first-clbad screenwriters Ashley Edward Miller and Zack Stentz to write the screenplay, and the filmmaker Bourne, Paul Greengrbad, "flirted with the film."

Obviously, the plans failed and the film never happened. Fox judged that First Clbad had been a success, so they decided to continue along this path and instead create Days of Future Past.

It is also mentioned that the famous comic book author Warren Ellis was commissioned for a story treatment on a movie different from X-Men vs. Fantastic Four, but no details of this version have been given.

So would you have wanted to see the movie X-Men vs. Fox Fantastic Four Let us know in the comments.

Joshua is the main feature editor at IGN. If Pokemon, Green Lantern or Game of Thrones are frequently used words in your vocabulary, you will want to follow it Twitter @JoshuaYehl and IGN.

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