Stop the propaganda against 1V1D – the government warns the NDC


General News of Sunday, June 9, 2019



Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, Minister of Information Minister of Information, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah

The administration of the new Patriotic Party (NPP) has warned the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to end what it described as propaganda against the One Village One Dam project (1V1D).

According to the government, in a statement issued and signed by the Minister of Information, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, 99% of 1V1D projects proceed without incident.

This, he said, was contrary to the opposition party's contention that 1V1D was a "misleading exercise".

The statement said that "the Akufo-Addo government takes note of the opposition's attempts, the NDC, to continually denigrate national programs, with the aim of minimizing the benefits of such programs for the Ghanaian people."

The latest one is the NDC's claim that the One-One-One Dam program is a misleading exercise. "

"The administration reminds the opposition that: during the NDC's tenure, the Mahama administration offered no credible response when members of the recipient communities asked for roadblocks to support their agricultural activities, "the statement said.

In the 2016 election campaign, he added, the NDC again offered no credible answers when requests were made for roadblocks.

He said that "the current 1V1D program is a solution to the problems of irrigation in northern regions".

The statement emphasized that the NDC would be better served by proposing alternative programs to tackle the irrigation problems of the beneficiary communities rather than the usual naming of the denomination.

Currently, it is stated that "300 dams are under construction. Four (4) of the three hundred (300) dams, or 1.3%, were the only ones to have experienced challenges. "

"These include ongoing work at the Kajelo Dam in Kbadena-Nankana West District, which has been damaged by unplanned rainfall."

He noted that "the damage has since been corrected. It is these four (4), that the NDC (which continually fails to provide alternative solutions to the challenges of irrigation in the north), are evidence of a failed program that has caused a financial loss to the state. About 99% of the projects run without incident. "

According to the statement, some projects have already begun to serve beneficiary communities well.

"Seventy (70) of the dams in the Far East can be used before the peak of the rainy season. The remaining dams should be completed after the rainy season. "

He added that "therefore, the claim that only forty (40) dams have been constructed to date is another of the usual lies with which the NDC often tries to feed the Ghanaian public."

"With reference to the dam model being built, it should be noted that beneficiary communities who have requested dams have not requested a type of Akosombo dam."

"The model and specification of the dams requested under this program are of the exact type known to the members of the beneficiary communities."

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