The hell and some exciting new games were the protagonists of the Bethesda Conference


At the Bethesda E3 conference, we got pretty much what we expected: Fallout 76, The Elder Scrolls in all quantities (except of course TES VI), Starfield, RAGE 2, The Evil Within, a new game and a few others goodies. the highlight of the show before the Eternal Doom. Specifically, we have received so much information about Starfield and The Elder Scrolls VI that the developers are working hard on both titles, and Bethesda will need the players' patience. Naturally, the show was started by Pete Hines and Todd Howard, and Howard immediately hit Fallout 76. What the developer admitted here is that the thing has not started very well and has been rightly criticized. Ejnye-bejnye, but then came the buksisimi! That is to say, Todd Howard said that the game had changed a lot and that he would do more in the near future. What we can all expect is from this summary.

The Elder Scrolls: Blades also arrive at Nintendo Switch

Recently, early access to the Batesesda Elder Scrolls, Blades, is now available on mobile phones. We could also get it because it will soon conquer a new platform: the Nintendo console, the Switch. Of course, we can play the game as Skyrim with the special switch controllers, and the handhelds can play multiple on a mobile. In addition, the game remains free on Switch

Bethesda said at the conference that after Fallout Shelter Blades had been their most popular mobile game to date. So much new content will be added to the TES smartphone this year, and a huge update will be available. New jobs, a customizable jewelry making system, a new dragon mission lead and an arena system are also part of the future content.

NPCs and Battle Royale Mode Join Fallout 76

Fallout 76 was already mentioned in the introduction: Todd Howard also admitted live that the start of the game was not good, but Bethesda was trying. The effort will come in the form of more important updates, as Howard announced that the world of post-octopic gaming is booming. In addition, Fallout 76 changes fundamentally as it recovers NPCs and Battle Royale mode. Whoa!

DLC Wastelanders will be available for free. Up to now, the problem with Fallout 76 was that, aside from the players and crowds, the playground was empty, the post-octopic desert. This changes with non-player characters, and in addition to one person's Fallouts, we can also conduct normal dialogs with NPCs. There will be many choices, new missions and weapons and new things. The deserters will be activated in the fall. And to have more fun with Fallout 76, we can try the game for free from June 10th to 17th.

And it is not over: during the test period, we can already see the royal battle mode called Nuclear Winter. At the same time, 52 players can face with exclusive benefits, atomic bombs and, of course, construction options. The rules are there: a circle of fire will shrink, while weapons and other items will have to be recovered, and we will have to face other players and monsters attacking us. The battle will take place for the Valut 51 Overseer. The good news is that Nuclear Winter is also a free upgrade.

GhostWire Tokyo is a new game by The Evil Within

The Evil Within games had a refreshing effect on Bethesda's profile and horror fans enjoyed horror and roleplaying movies. The good news is that Shinji Mikami and his team, Tango Gameworks GhostWire: Tokyo, are working on a new horror game, which was presented at the Bethesda E3 conference. And this time, it's not so much a horror, but an action-adventure game with horror elements.

There is still not much to know about GhosWire, but it is certain that the people of Tokyo will be completely lost in this game, as people disappear from the Japanese capital. It will be the player's task to reveal the cause of this paranormal phenomenon. Conspiracy theories, urban legends, occultism – these are the foundations of the GhostWire story. And this motto: "Do not be afraid of the unknown! Attack it!" That's what we do!

There is no platform or release date at the moment, but probably like the With Withk game, this game will also appear on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

RAGE 2 also received a last-minute advance, offering an additional

Even though RAGE 2 was not a success without sharing, we were more than shocked by our boring gameplay in the open world. Worse because Bethesda, like Fallout 76, does not let go of this game, the post-octopic action game has also been treated to a new, last-minute pre-game thanks to which we discovered that Rise of Ghosts came as a complement Game.

Of course, Rise of Ghosts is accompanied by a new story, new weapons and abilities, as well as multiple zones and a new hostile faction. We have not received a release date yet, but there is no doubt that this year's RAGE 2 fans will be able to play with it. In addition to add-ons, weekly updates include new cheats (low gravity), armadillo, game modes, enemies and guided mechs.

Back to the Keen Commander mobile platform

Those who pushed back the industry in the 90s would surely have met the Commander Keen series, launched in 1990 by id Software. The astronaut's platform game, which was also mocked by Mario's clone, gets his remake or restart. The bad news is that this (for the moment) will only appear on mobile devices, iOS and Android this summer. The good news is that it will be free.

The player can control Billy and his brother, Billie, and do more than save the galaxy with special gadgets. There was not much talk of gameplay on the show, but maybe not because everyone in a clbadic platform game grasps what it will offer. The Commander Keen will obviously be optimized for smartphones, so its control will not be complicated. Basically, you can play two game modes: History mode obviously offers a solo experience, while in battle mode, you can fight with our peers.

Wolfenstein: Youngblood received a new breakthrough

Youngblood, Wolfenstein's side-by-side co-op series, will soon be playable as it will be released in July. Of course, the SPF, which describes the deployment of B.J. Blazkowicz's twins in Paris, could not miss the Bethesda show and was severely criticized.

Thus, in Wolfenstein: Youngblood, we will lead Jess and Soph Blazkowicz, with whom we must fight against the Nazis occupied by France in the eighties. The game will not be mandatory in cooperative mode, play alone will artificially control our partner. With Buddy Pbad Deluxe Edition, you can even invite a friend to play. We can do it from July 26th, regarding Youngblood PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

Deathloop: Presentation of the new Dishonored Developer Game

We've been hearing about Dishonored for a long time, but the fact that Arkane Studios works not only for Wolfenstein: Youngblood, but for the fans, is also a new game for Dishonored with Deathloop. For that, we also had a percussion. For the moment, the creators have not talked about the release date and platforms.

As the title of the game indicates, Deathloop bases its history and its gameplay on time loops. The story takes place on an island called Blackreef, where the law has ceased to exist. The protagonist is two murderers, Julianna and Colt, who have captured a time loop. The goal is clear: leave it without dying in the experience. Another peculiarity is that one of them really wants to keep the cycle while the other wants to break it. According to the developers, the player has full latitude to solve the draw situations and Blackreefen will have to target different targets, this will be one of our main tasks. But what are we waiting for if we train badbadins? The Looper film, presented a few years ago, has certainly had a considerable impact on creators.

The new predecessors and release dates of Doom Eternal also exploded

Of course, the Eternal Doom, expected by many, could not survive the show. We have two bumps for the game and it's always very entertaining with nonstop action scenes, aggressive shootings. And of course, we could also see Eternal's new unique game mode, Battlemode, where players can go to Doom Slayer to hide their demons. The predecessor of Battlemode was rather a deadly fight, which is not a coincidence, because we can participate in such fatal battles, only in the style of Doom and with his weapons. The essence of this special multiplayer mode is that a man shapes the Doom Slayer and two try to destroy him with demons.

The show once again said that Doom Eternal was in the process of developing the world of Doom. So we can expect a more epic adventure than before: we can visit Heaven and the Doom Sentinel and face not only demons, but also angels.

At the same time, the creators introduced the game edition aimed at collectors of percussion, which includes a real Doomslayer helmet for the first year season (with 2 complementary modules centered on the story), the music for the game, history and history of Doom, clbadic weapons. and an elegant lithograph.

The lucky ones participating in Los Angeles can already try the Doom Etern on E3 during the event. And the good news is that it turned out that when we can play with the new Doom: November 22, it's worth recording in our calendar! More information on Doom Eternal and its game modes are available on the QuakeConon and DoomCon sites starting July 25 (and in Dallas, London).

Orion: cloudy with new platform Sverige from Bethesda

As part of the E3 program, Bethesda also announced the launch of a system called Orion, designed to support cloud games. Thus, the publisher says nothing about the future and you ask for a share of streaming technology.

Orion is not a competitor of Google Stadium, but rather an badistant. Bethesda's representative, James Altman, said the technology could be integrated with any game engine and made compatible with any streaming service in order to enhance the gaming experience. Orion is that, when it comes to slower Internet connectivity, it uses local resources to fix it, improving performance. It reduces the bandwidth requirement by 40%, the coding time of a video image by 30% and the computation time of the whole process by 20%. This means that Bethesda's technology can help Google Stream optimize and reduce bandwidth requirements.

First, game developers will be responsible for integrating Orion into their games, and Bethesda is already negotiating with the teams and companies with which to work in partnership. Doom, Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, RAGE 2 and The Elder Scrolls Online will surely become Stadia titles. Orion can be integrated into these games. The technology is starting to be tested this year and can be applied to tests. The subject of the test will be the 2016 Doom, which will be appreciated at 4K / 60 frames per second.

Doom Eternal Collector's Edition and this particular helmet during the Bethesda show

And a little The Elder Scrolls …

Bethesda has not forgotten The Elder Scrolls Online and The Elder Scrolls: Legends, both of which have been pre-edited and whose new content has been reported. Elsweyr, the recently published major addition to TESO, continues to grow this year in the spirit of the Dragon Season. The DLC Scalebreaker arrives in August and the Dragonhold DLC in November.

The TES: Legends is also an addition, inspired by a comfortable and lively actor in which the young protagonist switches from a modern cafe to a fantastic pub in the game. The Elsweyr moons will be connected to TESO and will be available from June 27th.

That was the 2019 E3 conference in Bethesda. How did you like it? Were you satisfied or did you expect more? Share with us!

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